Wolfenstein: Youngblood - 26th July 2019

28 Nov 2006
N Ireland
Gamers relentlessly cryassing about SJW's and PC culture in video games, how refreshing...

It was not here when i grew up playing the original so i think it only right to chase these troublemakers out of gaming. Being quiet is what they want sorry i am gonna call out all these sad attempts to use popular cultures as a propaganda tool.
4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
Folks, looking to order this from CD Keys. What's EMEA though? Not sure which one to push the button on? Is this a DLC which you need Wolfenstein New Colossus installed to play or is it a standalone game?

18 Oct 2002
I've only played it a bit, getting increasingly frustrated with how bad it is. Dialogue, characters, they'd be hard pressed to do worse. THese two twins grew up with a bad ass father and mother, training to be killers, and yet they keep acting like idiot fortnight players whooping and calling each other dude. The gameplay is bad, bullet soak enemies that really haven't been even slightly fun to beat. One boss fight so far and it's just a joke, literally just unleashing clip after clip, you couldn't knock him down or stop him moving around. It was one of the most boring and stupid boss fights I've had in years. No tactics, no interest just keep firing, move a bit, keep firing.

The shared life thing is a woeful mechanic, the AI is exceptionally poor, particularly for your sister making it feel pretty bad as a single player game. The weapons don't really feel good, the upgrading weapons system is so uninventive and the need for money means I'm taking out an area of bad guys then running in circles trying to find crates to get freaking coins. Needless gateways put in place such that despite having a supersuit and thus superstrength, until I get the right number of points I can't dual wield light guns or run around with a heavy weapon.

The collectibles are so completely pointless that after the first few I didn't bother checking any of them at all.

Seriously though I can't get past how bad the dialogue/story main two characters are.

Even at £20 I bought it for I'd say don't buy, wait for it to be half price in a month or two. EMEA means europe, middle east and africa, it means the key is only valid for those regions, while the globe on the other ones mean it can be redeemed in any region but as said, it's not a good game, I would wait for it to be much cheaper.
22 Feb 2019
Ost Angelnen
It's not as bad as some are making out, but it's crashing fairly regularly for me at the moment. It might be something to do with the latest AMD driver, but I have no idea what or why. It crashes the driver too. :confused:
18 Oct 2002
Wow everyone is so hard to please these days. Played the first 2 hours and loved it. This game is cool and fun! Remember that!? :rolleyes:

Can you say what's cool about it? The woeful AI, the boring environments, the insanely poor dialogue "yeah dude" between a couple kids in war torn post Nazi control life being trained by a Nazi killing maniac who is treating the family like survivalists?

I fired up new blood rather than continue playing it. Despite horrendous performance issues and a nightmare to even get working at 60fps... it still feels like smoother gameplay, level design is more defined, faster, none of this searching for coins constantly nonsense. It's so much more fun and the story is so much better.
4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
EMEA means europe, middle east and africa, it means the key is only valid for those regions, while the globe on the other ones mean it can be redeemed in any region but as said, it's not a good game, I would wait for it to be much cheaper.

The EMEA versions appear a few quid cheaper than the others. So if in the UK then is the EMEA ia the one to pick up?
30 Sep 2009
Merseyside. UK
Played a few hours of this now and the thing that stands out the most for me so far is Arkane's level design. Very much like Dishonored so that's a good thing. The gunyplay is, imo, a step backwards with the whole health bar system and the guns don't feel like they pack a punch with the lack of visual "hits". If you stand point blank and unload a shotgun into their head/chest you think you might get some reaction beyond soaking shots up like they are being tickled.

Currently gave it a break while I await a patch to fix the infuriating audio skipping issues.



13 Aug 2003
Peer pressure over social media by a small very vocal minority, Basically non gamers ruin all the franchises until nothing is left that has not been turned into woke propaganda. I guess they plan to leave no stone unturned and no franchises will escape.

The sad reality of a creeping barrage. Go woke go broke is the only cure.

It was not here when i grew up playing the original so i think it only right to chase these troublemakers out of gaming. Being quiet is what they want sorry i am gonna call out all these sad attempts to use popular cultures as a propaganda tool.

It's unreal what is even in Quake Champions these days. Unicorn hats amongst many other things. With all the pink shaders etc


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