Woman at Car Park Took Pics of my Plates?

30 Aug 2014
I gave someone a lift to Sainsbury's.

On the way back to car I removed shopping, put it into my boot, then sat in car sorting the GPS to head back.

Some woman 2 bays away was pointing to my car so I pulled out and stopped in front of her.

She asks "was that your trolley that rolled back and hit our car?" I said no because I didn't see or know anything.

Apparently the person I was with put the trolley in the trolley space, but because the ground is sloped, it later rolled back and hit the corner of her bumper?

She took pics of my plates and said she will check CCTV at Sainsburys to see who's trolley it was.

What does this have to do with me? My car didn't touch anything.

Will I be getting a call from my insurance that someone's made a claim and they have to pay up?

The person I was with denies it was their trolley and accuses the person who put their trolley right after.

Regardless of who's trolley it was I don't see how this is a 3rd party insurance responsibility. It could have been the wind. It could have been someone that walked it with no car... so who do you claim against then?
Highly doubt insurance would be that interested in that, if you hit a car or person, then maybe.

Even if the CCTV shows it did hit her car, it wasn't you, and has absolutely nothing to do with your car insurance anyway!
It's nothing to do with your car insurer. Your car did not come into contact with anything. Your insurance company won't get involved. They also can't give out your details as it would be a GDPR breach. The worst that I can imagine happening is is she claims off her insurance and her insurance company contacts you (because your insurer will tell them to GTFO as your car wasn't involved). Assuming it was not you that did it then all you do is tell them it wasn't you and to stop contacting you. I can't imagine you are obliged to give details of who your passenger was.

Having said that, I do hate people who are careless with trolleys. If there is a slight slope I will wedge the trolley in such a way it can't move.

I am not a shop lawyer caveat obviously applies here.
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"Hi, someone's trolley hit my car, im assuming it was the person who was in the car with this reg... i don't have any proof it was them and there car also didn't touch mine."

Insurance wont deal with it.
The shop won't give out any CCTV to her personally
Insurance wont give out details.

Should have followed her home so you could poop in her letterbox
"Hi, someone's trolley hit my car, im assuming it was the person who was in the car with this reg... i don't have any proof it was them and there car also didn't touch mine."

Insurance wont deal with it.
The shop won't give out any CCTV to her personally
Insurance wont give out details.

Should have followed her home so you could poop in her letterbox
Should have pooped in the trolley and then pushed it after her
Similar theme.
Soo low level and will be hard to even prove with the minimal CCTV coverage most supermarkets have over the car park.
Forget about it and move on. Car insurance is for the car, not a shopping trolley.
Did the trolly do any damage? I’d be surprised if an empty trolley did.

Did this lady have short hair and a face like thunder?
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