Woman refused bus travel at 3am for being 20p short on bus fare is raped... What would you have done

23 Nov 2004
I agree ^ It seems to read as though drivers have been known to be lovely chaps and pay peoples fare but it didn't happen this time. It doesn't exactly state the company policy.
26 Jun 2010
It sounds too non-specific to be anything other than the management covering their arses tbh.....I suspect he may have simply not offered an uncollected fare option to the woman and he got a ticking off for that...if that, it said it had been dealt with under company disciplinary policy which means he could have been not at fault for anything,mor simply asked to allow travel in future similar situations.

In any event, it doesn't imply any fault on the driver for the subsequent rape of the woman.
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11 Jun 2006
would have given her the 20p

I remember back in school when I was given a dodgy £1 coin from a bus driver in the morning, unaware I tried to get on the bus in the evening and he refused, I only had that dodgy £1 which I was unaware of. He flat out refused to accept it despite 15 people or so getting on. Luckily a friend paid for me!
28 Oct 2002
Port Toilet
9/10 bus drivers I've ever had the misfortune of running into would bend over backwards not to help you. You get the odd decent one but most seem to be the most obnoxious, self-centered people I've ever met... granted they can get quite a lot of stick from the general public so to a degree I don't blame them being a bit abrupt and not rushing to help but most seem to take pleasure in actually being as rude and unhelpful as possible.

If it had been during daytime I'd have said fair enough she could wait for the next bus, but 3am really? if he doesn't have the decency to wait a couple of minutes at 3am for a potentially vulnerable person he doesn't deserve the oxygen hes breathing.

As for what I'd do I'm not really sure its easy to say yeah sure I'd have given her the extra change, probably at that time of night I would have done but generally I've seen too many people trying it on or short of money through their own stupidity, etc. to be too ready to offer to help these days and even when you do most people aren't particularly grateful.

Thats pretty much my thoughts. Its a sad indictment of humanity which shows how selfish people are these days. I bet not one of those bus passengers, the driver included feels one shred of remorse. They get to keep their money, he keeps his job. Its pretty much how this country is.

No, the bus driver couldn't have predicted what would happen but his actions contributed to them.

Just read it was in Nottingham. Well colour me surprised :rolleyes:
22 Nov 2005
The bus driver was at fault, the company have admitted he didn't follow procedure and broke company policy.

Puts a different spin on things doesn't it?

what a spin on a company trying not to get the blame?

whats company policy then? anytime ive ever tried to get a bus they have always wanted the full fare before they give me a ticket.

what if he had let her on.

a ticket inspector kicked her off a few stops later and then she had been raped?
22 Nov 2005
im assuming she wouldnt get a ticket as she wouldnt have been able to afford one and i doubt the driver wants to make up the difference for every drunk person that spent more than they should have on a night out
9 Sep 2008
United Pingdom
I have given money to people who were short twice, one lady by 50p and the other by 20p and neither said thanks. Now I sit upstairs and have my earphones on so I will never hear the plea.

As was mentioned earlier she could have made the Journey for the £4.80 and walked the remainder of the way.

As for the rapist he does look like a psychotic muppet, should be castrated.
11 Jun 2003
Sheffield, UK
Of course not. But it's strange to have it brought home in such a big way, that small and seemingly insignificant decisions that you make every day can have such a massive effect on someone else's whole life - reminds me (not meaning to be flippant here) of the film Sliding Doors, where catching or not catching the tube sent her life in completely different directions. If just one of those people on that bus that night had given her that 20p, this whole thing would have been avoided.

Of course, it was probably just wrong place, wrong time - if he hadn't raped her, he might have done it to someone else, so their life has been changed by the decision of those people on the bus too.

Strange to think about.

The thought of "small things can have an effect" actually is how I generally try and live. If someone needs something or I can do a small favour to ANYONE for nothing other than a moments attention or for relatively small effort (depends on the circumstances) I'll always do it.

It almost never costs anything and even in this case I'd hope most people would equate 20p to being pretty much nothing and I know I'm a better person from it.

Unsure if it's related but I can ALMOST count on my luck in any given circumstance as a result. I'm genuinely rather "lucky". I'd like to think it's karma and as a result of keeping mine high the universe looks after me in return :)
8 Jan 2009
Think the driver should be fired from his job or be made to do some humanisation courses or something, since getting kicked off for 20p or even more is disgusting.
31 Dec 2007
jobs worth driver!!!

why should he care about 20p its not like its his profit or anything, years and years ago when I worked in a large home retail chain, I didn't care if the odd thing didn't get scanned or paid for its not my money
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