Woman refused bus travel at 3am for being 20p short on bus fare is raped... What would you have done

17 Apr 2006
3rd rock...
This is a no-brainer for me. I woud have given her 20p in a second.

I gave 50p to students who were in front of me @ the checkout @ Lidl once who needed it for a bag of pasta and were short. (Id never do this if it was for alki or cigs btw lol)

As for those passengers sitting watchin this play out and none of them reached for their wallets....wow .....no words. Didnt even one of them think "That could be my daughter/wife/girlfriend/sister begging to be let on a bus but is short on money @ 0300hrs....."
8 Feb 2009
Is it just me that doesn't mind helping the odd person in the street? I've been approached by someone saying he can't afford to get home, so I gave him all the change I'd got in my pocket, about £1.50 or so. Maybe he was lying, but quite frankly, I don't care. I'm not going to miss £1.50, but it could potentially have really helped that guy out. I had someone come to the door peddling little sculptures he'd hand-made that were really good, for £3. At first I just dismissed it but after looking at them, there was no way he'd just found a load of them off a truck, he was clearly just a normal guy who liked to sculpt things in his spare time, and I'm all for supporting that. Again, I'm not gonna miss £3, but I'm down for helping a chap out :)

Not saying it's the fault of the bus driver or anyone on the bus that she was raped, no-one can anticipate that, but it does raise a few concerns about the lack of compassion for the common person. I mean, 20p... really?!
17 Apr 2006
3rd rock...
Not saying it's the fault of the bus driver or anyone on the bus that she was raped, no-one can anticipate that, but it does raise a few concerns about the lack of compassion for the common person. I mean, 20p... really?!

Yea thats whats troubling, and it may be easy for some to just dismiss this. Of course no one on the bus can be blamed for the attack but I DO think they should be ashamed for not giving 20p to that poor girl. Heck 4 people could have given 5p each????

And this is the troubling thing. Because someone we all care about could be in that position one day...wouldnt you have liked someone to have parted with small change to make a BIG difference?
8 Feb 2009
Yea thats whats troubling, and it may be easy for some to just dismiss this. Of course no one on the bus can be blamed for the attack but I DO think they should be ashamed for not giving 20p to that poor girl. Heck 4 people could have given 5p each????

And this is the troubling thing. Because someone we all care about could be in that position one day...wouldnt you have liked someone to have parted with small change to make a BIG difference?

Exactly, if I was in that position, on that bus, I'd have given 20p just to reduce the *chance* she was raped. In an alternate scenario she might have been fine otherwise, but would that 20p be worth the risk?



20 Jan 2012
Given her the money and said keep the change.... The company is by the by, it's the driver's fault and he's already been dealt with
22 Nov 2005
Given her the money and said keep the change.... The company is by the by, it's the driver's fault and he's already been dealt with

ever heard of a scape goat? company dont want to take any blame for obvious reasons so they pass it onto soomeone they can throw away
26 Dec 2003
Even if he'd let her on the bus she could just have easily got stabbed to death at some point on the way home, he might have saved her life for all we know (unlikely but possible).

If the bus driver is to blame then why not whoever invited her to the party? why not her friends for not escorting her to and from it? why not the barman who took that extra 20p off of her that she so badly needed? why not all of those at the party for not offering her a lift home? why not her mum for asking her to walk near a secluded park? (hell how about bus companies for charging too much money and the British government for the inflation?) ...you can blame practically everyone she came into contact with that night for some reason or another if you wanted to, why only highlight the indirect role of the bus driver?

Is it just me that doesn't mind helping the odd person in the street? I've been approached by someone saying he can't afford to get home, so I gave him all the change I'd got in my pocket, about £1.50 or so. Maybe he was lying, but quite frankly, I don't care. I'm not going to miss £1.50, but it could potentially have really helped that guy out. I had someone come to the door peddling little sculptures he'd hand-made that were really good, for £3. At first I just dismissed it but after looking at them, there was no way he'd just found a load of them off a truck, he was clearly just a normal guy who liked to sculpt things in his spare time, and I'm all for supporting that. Again, I'm not gonna miss £3, but I'm down for helping a chap out :)

Would you be as generous if you were asked 10 or more times a day?
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25 Jan 2008
Amazing how many people on here would have given her 20p , yet the bus was full and no-one came to her aid ? Are the good citizens of Nottingham completely different from the rest of the UK when it comes to helping people or are 99% of the people on here claiming they'd have helped giving it the usual keyboard warrior nonsense.

Anyone from Nottingham, walk from Victoria Centre to Broadmarsh, how many times are you hit with the same "i need 20 pence for my bus fare" story ? I'd take a wild shot in the dark thats one of the atypical beggar lines in every major city.

Yes this poor girl was raped and thats absolutely shocking. At the same time if she'd not had that last drink she'd have had the money, is that the bus driver or people on the buses fault. I think not.
17 Apr 2006
3rd rock...
...how many times are you hit with the same "i need 20 pence for my bus fare" story ? I'd take a wild shot in the dark thats one of the atypical beggar lines in every major city....

What you say is actually v true. I dont live in a city but I used to - and this is a well-worn line. Specially when I lived across the pond. Of course 99% of the time it went towards a can of Bud.

But in this case I would honestly say I would have fished out 20p for her. Its late, its the last bus, shes lives far away and needs the ride home. Shes alone.
3 Aug 2010
Amazing how many people on here would have given her 20p , yet the bus was full and no-one came to her aid ? Are the good citizens of Nottingham completely different from the rest of the UK when it comes to helping people or are 99% of the people on here claiming they'd have helped giving it the usual keyboard warrior nonsense.

Anyone from Nottingham, walk from Victoria Centre to Broadmarsh, how many times are you hit with the same "i need 20 pence for my bus fare" story ? I'd take a wild shot in the dark thats one of the atypical beggar lines in every major city.

Yes this poor girl was raped and thats absolutely shocking. At the same time if she'd not had that last drink she'd have had the money, is that the bus driver or people on the buses fault. I think not.

But she isn't a typical smelly old beggar. She is an intelligent, and probably articulate, law student on her way home. Everyone who pushed past her to get on the bus knew that it wasnt a story... She was pleading with the driver. She DID need 20p for her bus.
19 Feb 2012
Hindsight is such a wonderful thing. Bus driver did his/her job. End of.

i do agree

this crime of her being raped is completely abhorrent however it is no ones fault but the waste of skin who raped her.

maybe i would have given the girl 20p, iv given strangers more than that before, or maybe i wouldn't either due to me not wanting to stand out among the crows or due to me maybe not having 20p or more in my wallet.

the fact is the girl was raped, the press have turned this into an issue over 20p and not the fact this girl was raped because some scumbag decided to do this repulsive crime to someone he didn't know. i do not think the driver or passengers should either be victimized or implicated as a contributing factor to this crime

the only person at fault in the sorry mess is the scumbag who raped the girl
5 Oct 2008
If I'd have been behind her in the queue to get on I may have lent her 20p. If I had been the driver I wud probably have let her off the 20p at that time of night.

But remember it is easier for us all to say what we would have done now in hindsight then what we may have done at the time with no foreknowledge of what would tragically happen to her.
13 May 2003
If I'd have been behind her in the queue to get on I may have lent her 20p. If I had been the driver I wud probably have let her off the 20p at that time of night.

But remember it is easier for us all to say what we would have done now in hindsight then what we may have done at the time with no foreknowledge of what would tragically happen to her.

I'm shocked it took 437 posts for someone to make that bland platitude.

Oh wait...
20 Feb 2006
It's silly to blame the bus driver, or the other passengers. Sure with hindsight maybe they will be wishing they did lend the 20p.

As for the driver it is probably company policy that the driver is following and possibly risking his job if he breaches this. As such if you want to apportion blame in this regard you should focus on the bus company.

People need to take responsibility for themselves instead of trying to blame others it is the girl's fault she was short of money, going by the time, had probably been out clubbing / drinking as students and spent her money.

It is tragic that she got raped, but that is not in the slightest the fault or responsibility of the driver or other passengers, that blame should be fully laid at the rapist.
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