Women...am i just being teased...and if I am does it really matter?

I agree with Muban, just play games with her & don't think about emotions or opinions as they will only ruin the game:)

I basically got stood-up, hardly something to shout about. Also I have a girl who my main point of contact with is via text...and i'm not 13yrs old...again not something to show off about.

So yeah it was advice I was after, and opinion on how crap i was being.

However some of the opinion and advice I did not agree with, the brutal approach i know will get me no-where. Simply saying don't mess me about, isn't likely to get me anywhere, although to be honest i was considering it. I am in a way forced to play along a little bit.

But it is very much her who is playing the game. All I was after was how to avoid an earache after all who on earth wants to here a 40min explanation?

Gilly good advice...thanks. And Nix (bar the second post!)
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I'd be tempted to say to her in a un-confrontational way - "You've cancelled twice now - I'll leave you to arrange it for a time which suits you".

That way theres no way you'll be chasing her as you'll be leaving the ball in her court and she'll have to respond by action or inaction, either way you'll know where you stand.
My advice is dont play games, either mean it or dont bother, but be realistic and take things on face value dont read anything into anything, apart from literal.

Or if your not that emotionally attached just go along with it, but dont try to be too clever, and dont lie, if she finds out you're dead.

Just be honest with yourself and be honourable so you can hold you're head up (so to speak
My tuppenceworth.

Play the game by all means (assuming it is a game) but if she's making up the rules, there's only going to be one winner.
You need to introduce a few rules of your own, in that way you might both win.

If she's not willing to accept your rules then she doesn't want to play fair. In that case, it's time to leave the game.

Stan :)
rossyl said:
Women...am i just being teased...and if I am does it really matter?


As long as you know whats going on it doesn't matter one bit, are you getting a buzz out of it?

If your not than it's wrong, if you are it's easy; just go along with it and get what you can ;)
It sounds to me like she is enjoying the text flirting, but after meeting you really just isn't interested in anything actually coming of it. She is arranging to meet you so that you'll keep flirting and not just go away, but backs out at the last minute as it's easier to find excuses and more difficult to say "oh well after you've done that...".
I also think that you're starting to think the same, if you consider a phone call will be an "ear-ache". If you're not into playing games, then either just stop texting her, or tell her how you feel and be friends if you can.
I think the reason you are annoyed is because you are gagging for it.

If you really cared for the person and wanted to be with them not for their body but for them, than you would be a little more patient.

But seeing as its the former and not the later I say just play it out and see if you get any. While doing that try to get some somewhere else.
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