Wonder Woman 2

Third US weekend earnings down yet another 42% to just $3m - https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/finance/news/wonder-woman-1984-continues-fall-164735445.html - and yet it's still being "celebrated" by some in the media just because it's top of the earners this week.

Based on production costs of $200m, even with the $131m it's recouped so far the rapidly falling flow of cash means it's very unlikely to break even on the production costs, never mind the immense advertising costs it'll have had.

Even Scott Mendleson at Forbes, who is a huge SJW and should have loved this film, is suggesting that it'll make just 10% of the money that the Original film did domestically, thats how much the combination of Covid and a bad film have dropped the WW brand-worth! - https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottm...omb-but-is-it-an-hbo-max-hit/?sh=4009dd811f99
Third US weekend earnings down yet another 42% to just $3m - https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/finance/news/wonder-woman-1984-continues-fall-164735445.html - and yet it's still being "celebrated" by some in the media just because it's top of the earners this week.

Based on production costs of $200m, even with the $131m it's recouped so far the rapidly falling flow of cash means it's very unlikely to break even on the production costs, never mind the immense advertising costs it'll have had.

Even Scott Mendleson at Forbes, who is a huge SJW and should have loved this film, is suggesting that it'll make just 10% of the money that the Original film did domestically, thats how much the combination of Covid and a bad film have dropped the WW brand-worth! - https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottm...omb-but-is-it-an-hbo-max-hit/?sh=4009dd811f99

can’t be that bad I’d they just approved a third. Probably made a tonne of money as it’s being streamed at the same time.
can’t be that bad I’d they just approved a third. Probably made a tonne of money as it’s being streamed at the same time.

The first made a shed load of money and I imagine overall this will probably at least come close to breaking even.

I think they let Patty Jenkins have a lot of control and free reign with this film and they probably won't do the same with the next one. There is no reason the third one won't make similar money to the first.

Lets be honest, if this released in the cinemas it would have probably still made a lot of money despite being crap because a lot of people enjoyed the first one and would have gone to see this before the negative press really set in.
im going against the grain

had a free trial on amazon prime, so i had to watch this as i really liked the 1st one

I liked it, not "as much" as the first one, but i really enjoyed it

bring on the next one! ;)
im going against the grain

had a free trial on amazon prime, so i had to watch this as i really liked the 1st one

I liked it, not "as much" as the first one, but i really enjoyed it

bring on the next one! ;)
Could be waiting a while.

After WW2 ole Patty been dumped into the Dunster.
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