What if its Clint Eastwood on his horse,n he blows your head clean off with his magnum 44
Chances of that happening, versus me lasering him and his horse to pieces because I'm riding Streethawk, are exceptionally low... even if I do feel lucky!
They were indeed. And then the combustion engine was invented and proper roads build to allow vehicles to get from A to B more quickly, safely and with greater comfort.
So all those old "vintage" cars that are slow, uncomfortable and lacking in modern safety features... We gonna ban them, too? Restricted to Goodwood as leisure-only vehicles?
The majority of vehicle owners (not all) use roads as a necessity. They pay towards their upkeep.
Who does?
Who pays for the upkeep of the roads?
Not talking about that mythical "Road Tax" stuff, are you?
Riding a horse is a primarily a leisure activity.
In many government reports and statistics, so is motorcycling...
I don't have the stats but they don't appear to be a common method of commuting.
Neither are tractors, yet they're just as entitled to use the roads...
There are better places to ride them than on a road surrounded by motor vehicles.
Aside from the occasional bridlepath... where?
Anywhere they go, there's always someone who will complain about it.
Things have moved on. I'm sure the horses and riders would prefer to be somewhere else too.
I'm sure they'd just prefer people got off their high horses (ha ha, see what I did there?) and stopped being ***** when blazing past them.
Personally, I don't give a ****. If a biker wants to risk spooking a horse and gets a hoof in the head, that's the rider's own stupid fault.
I don't see how it's any different to hooning round a blind corner and hitting a cow/sheep/badger/tractor/dog walker/rambler/disability buggy/tree/whatever other possible hazard you're supposed to be watching out for on country roads...