Work for Web Design class

With regards to the portfolio, I was thinking of stylising the thumbnails in the same colours used in the site which would then open up the full original image?

That way, the modern style images won't look out of place.

Good idea or bad idea?
Visually, very nice. A kinda cartoony take on the whole Soviet constructivist design philosophy.

In fact, dammit, I need to update my sig and make it even redder :D
Not sure, I'm generally rubbish at design, however you probably want to make the thumbnails fairly obvious, like maybe do a border highlight when you hover over them? Also when you open the thumbnail it would be kinda cool to fade the background to highlight the pic more, if you see what I mean.
The practically finished front page is now up here.

Some of the links won't work yet as I haven't uploaded the other pages yet, but you get the idea.

EDIT: Bases of other pages now uploaded. All others still need work. Particuarly the Contact page which I'm not happy with at all.

Also want to put a shadow under the main pages.
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Any thoughts on the portfolio idea?

I think one of the reasons it lacks depth is because the colour pallet is very limited. I see what you're trying to do, sticking to a colour theme etc, but sometimes it's not necessary and is a negative.

For instance on the portfolio page, I really think you should have the images in full colour.

Example: This is my favourite page on this site because the logos add so much colour and depth:
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Are the "Branding" "Web" "Advertising" section headers/links or just the page title?

How does the user know what page they are currently on?

Why are you using a round cornered box within a square cornered box like that?

Why do there seem to be shadows on all 4 sides of elements? Where is the light coming from to give the page some sort of depth? Unless they're meant to be floating but that just looks weird!

Why use thumbnails so small if you are a designer? You want to show off your work as much as possible and not make the user have to click through each item. Imagine if you had a page with them on, good size and the user could just scroll quickly through them all, or slowly, and anything eye-catching would stand out.

Not trying to sound like an ass but going to bed in a minute so quick questions that's all!
Are the "Branding" "Web" "Advertising" section headers/links or just the page title?

I'm going to have images from each section in each of those boxes. I.E. a slideshow type jobbie.

How does the user know what page they are currently on?

Something I haven't done yet, but the page title will be red when they are on that page.

Why are you using a round cornered box within a square cornered box like that?

I just thought it looked fairly good. :p

Why do there seem to be shadows on all 4 sides of elements? Where is the light coming from to give the page some sort of depth? Unless they're meant to be floating but that just looks weird!

Yeah, I did go for the float look, but you're right, it does look weird.

Why use thumbnails so small if you are a designer? You want to show off your work as much as possible and not make the user have to click through each item. Imagine if you had a page with them on, good size and the user could just scroll quickly through them all, or slowly, and anything eye-catching would stand out.

Fair point. Will rethink my gallery.

Not trying to sound like an ass but going to bed in a minute so quick questions that's all!

Thanks for the feedback. It's definitely helping. :)
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