**World Cup 2010 Sweepstake - The Draw**

Man of Honour
19 Nov 2002
Over land and sea.
Those of you who've been around long enough will know that we sometimes run a sweepstake for the big tournaments and if we get enough entrants we could do one for the upcoming WC.
In the past the entry fee and winnings have all been an amount of posts taken from the entrants but as Gilly ran off with the keys to the Admin cupboard we probably won't be able to do it that way this time.
Has anyone got any ideas what we could use for entry/winnings instead?:)

The Draw:

Big Kev - 22 - Algeria
Rotty - 7 - South Africa
el dazza - 30 - Argentina
Semi-Pro Waster - 23 - Ivory Coast
Tummy - 18 - Paraguay
LoneWolf - 22 - Algeria
BaZ87 - 3 - North Korea
[Cas] - 17 - Japan
Pigeon Killer - 16 - Netherlands
Shamikebab - 21 - Nigeria
Gilly - 28 - Uruguay
Miguél - 8 - Ghana
shipinabottle - 9 - Denmark
Stumble Bum 5 - Slovakia
One More Solo - 29 - New Zealand
Tombstone - 27 - Greece
jakeke - 10 - France
lemonkettaz - 24 - Spain
Nursie - 18 - Paraguay
CliffyG - 1 - Cameroon
daz.wallace - 5 - Slovakia
bibalasvegas - 31 - Portugal
Lego - 14 - Brazil
Moses99p - 20 - England
Linoge - 7 - South Africa
Nossmayo - 4 - Italy
The Pat - 26 - Serbia
SideWinder - 16 - Netherlands
Silent-Lucidity - 15 - Germany
G|mp - 11 - Honduras (lol)
ghost101 - 21 - Nigeria
platypus - 30 - Argentina
jrodka2k5 - 19 - United States
Majago - 14 - Brazil
Peg - 27 - Greece
tsinc80697 - 2 - Australia
Superman - 15 - Germany
trent - 17 - Japan
JPMslither - 12 - Mexico
JohnnyG - 13 - Chile (Cheers Cliffy)
St.Josh - 32 - South Korea
Loki - 6 - Switzerland
mmj_uk - 25 - Slovenia
Stretch - 10 - France
Spunj99 - 24 - Spain
EgonSpengler - 29 - New Zealand
Psycho Sonny - 25 - Slovenia
Judge Mental - 4 - Italy
You can still do it with posts, you just need an admin at some point to be bothered to do all the dirty work, iirc it took Gilly 6 months to give me all my winnings anyway :p

Just my tuppence worth, I will let someone else win this Sweepy ;)
Bugger. Fair point G|mpy.

Not seen you in these parts for a while? Sup with you?

What did you use last time?

I don't post here very often now dude if at all.

Was only poking my nose in and thought I'd help Johnny remember as he's getting old :p

Posts have been used all the other times, hence my post count ;)

I have a knack of winning Sweepstakes :D

I don't post here very often now dude if at all.

Thats a shame G|mp :(

Was only poking my nose in and thought I'd help Johnny remember as he's getting old :p

Posts have been used all the other times, hence my post count ;)

I have a knack of winning Sweepstakes :D


Posts could be fun.

We could use a custom avatar? Or a title?

Ciao G|mp take care pal.
I wondered when you'd be back G|mp :p

Maybe someone could create a sig for the winner as well as a nominal fee (100 posts last time, iirc?) like they have with the poker league :)
You can still do it with posts, you just need an admin at some point to be bothered to do all the dirty work, iirc it took Gilly 6 months to give me all my winnings anyway :p

Just my tuppence worth, I will let someone else win this Sweepy ;)

We wouldn't be allowed a custom avatar or anything along those lines and I can't see any other Admins offering to help but I'll ask Wolfie anyway.

Alright you old ****?
Mystic Meg custom avatar title :p

Can we not have this instead of the mafia related geezers? :p

Sweet, I'm entered already. :D But if I get England I'm calling fix on the whole thing.

If we're not using posts then how about everyone giving a nominal fee (in the region of £2-5 sort of thing), it all goes in a pot and then the winner gets to give it to the charity of their choice? It does mean that someone would have to have a bank account that they could hold the cash in but I don't imagine there'd be any problems with that.
Could we not all purchase something, then send it to the winner?

So all throw in a couple of beers?
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