**World Cup 2010 Sweepstake - The Draw**

i was going to pick 24 (spain) my age but since spunj had already picked it a few posts before me, i thought when the tournament is on, halfway through i will be 25, so ill pick 25 instead (slovenia), what a mistake that turned out to be, brazil will win it anyway, so im not overly bothered

Not bad, not bad. Would have preferred the tournament winners though. (I can't tell you who that is because it might **** up my odds at the bookies if it gets out) :D

its no big secret brazil will win,

alves, maicon, lucio, juan make up one of the best defences in the world, they also have marcelo, luisao, etc as back up who play for top teams as well.

their keeper plays for inter alongside maicon and lucio, so the core of the defence plays together regularly.

midfield you have a host of talent, diego, kaka, ronaldhino, robhino, lucas, ramires, etc.

up front fabiano and pato, 2 of the best in the world, with nilmar, adriano and maybe even ronaldo as back up.

its gonna take something extraordinary to beat brazil, and i dont think any of the other teams are consisten enough to do so, the only team in with a shout is spain, but torres looks as if hes carrying injuries every time he plays and their squad isnt as big as the brazilians in terms of quality and consistency
Argentina, score!

Sorry I didn't pick a number, I'd assumed it would be automatically assigned anyway. But cheers Lemonkettaz for that pick :p.
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