World Cup Quarter Final - England v Portugal **SPOILERS**

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Entirely Svens fault, I am just mortified and extremely angry that the media will not sacrifice him. They will sacrifice rooney
Lets all look on the bright side. That's the last we've seen of that useless tosspot we call an England manager..
Locrian said:
1) Deport Sven, i dont want him in our country
2) Beckham and lampard are awful players, the new manager better not fancy them
3) Give Rooney some anger management
4) add ballistix to your ignore list

Live near a sports bar *about 10m away* and I'm laughing my arse off...

Been hearing cheers and ooohs all afternoon.

Now - it's silent.

Well - apart from the one Portugal fan who's just been thrown out of the bar by several large England fans

Oh well - back to the shops being full of people when I go shopping then.

Locrian said:
Entirely Svens fault, I am just mortified and extremely angry that the media will not sacrifice him. They will sacrifice rooney

And so they should !

Sven may be (well, was) the manager, its the players on the field, Rooney, our great hope has sunk us without trace.
ps3ud0 said:
Better not

Surely the Ronaldo penalty was illegal - he stopped rather than stuttered...

ps3ud0 :cool:
YEah but the refs an Argentinian - he's on their side.....
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