*** World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth ***

20 Nov 2009
Bangor NI
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Release Date Is August 14th 2018


Everyone's favourite MMO is back again;
Azeroth paid a terrible price to end the apocalyptic march of the Legion’s crusade—but even as the world’s wounds are tended, it is the shattered trust between the Alliance and Horde that may prove hardest to mend. As this age-old conflict reignites, join your allies and champion your faction’s cause—Azeroth’s future will be forged in fire.

Wowhead has a great >>summary of the changes and features added<< in this article

If you're making your return before launch then check out the >>"What to do before pre-patch?" << Guide

Anyways I'm excited to have the focus moved back to the Alliance vs Horde (at least at the start of the expansion whilst the real big and bad gets built up and revealed) I'll be sad to see my artifact weapons go but I'm going to use the expansion as a good reroll point. I'll probably try a Warlock this time round, none of this hybrid nonsense :D
This is the next expansion building on everything that has came before it and raising the level cap to 120.

Classic WoW (aka Vanilla-ish) will be coming out later (though I don't think it has a release date yet) and looks like it'll be running patch 1.12 :)
i got an email about this, saying its free ? is it Free to play now ?

i did play this a long long time ago, and it was free up to a point, but i only stopped playing because i didn't have the time, never tried it since, so i dunno if still free or not
It's free until level 20 or you might have a free 7 day pass but the game is still £9.99 a month or you use the in game gold to pay for your playtime.
not long now got me pre order in i wonder if there will be any pre launch events like the invasions just prior to legion lanching that was great for levelling alts.
I've just reinstalled WoW on Wednesday after quite a long time away (my highest level character is only 85) and by God I'd forgotten just how tedious it is to get your UI set-up to your liking. Think I'll put off buying BfA for now and concentrate on getting back into the game and levelling to whatever the cap is in Legion, 110 I believe. That said, I did start a new Warlock to test **** out on, so I might just take him all the through.
Can't wait, got so close to getting a full mythic clearing on Antorus with my guild (Toast team 12 on the US Area 52 server) but we all took a break a couple of months ago to prepare for BFA. Excited :D
I want to play this new expansion badly but with a house move on the horizon and things picking up at work I'm not sure I should, I get heavily addicted at the start of each new expac and it eats into my time more than it should. I've no self restraint so buying it and trying to limit my hours is out the window :p
Downloaded WoW again over the last week (glorious, glorious 240kbs Dow load speed :rolleyes:) as a couple of mates are wanting to get back in to it. Last I played was MoP, even then I got bored and didn't hit endgame content. Sat on it last night for a couple of hours and leveled a new priest, was hooked in again in no time and hit level 20 before I knew it.
Downloaded WoW again over the last week (glorious, glorious 240kbs Dow load speed :rolleyes:) as a couple of mates are wanting to get back in to it. Last I played was MoP, even then I got bored and didn't hit endgame content. Sat on it last night for a couple of hours and leveled a new priest, was hooked in again in no time and hit level 20 before I knew it.

That will fade off around Lv60 unless you're healing which you should get into dungeon runs fairly quickly.

My suggestion would be to boost it but don't play too much as at the moment, a boosted toon is pointless and there isn't enough time to play end game content to get competitive.
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