World of Warcraft: Classic

Level 51 its took bloody ages playing on Mograine really busy server trying to do quests at peak time is a nightmare everything is overfarmed no mobs anywhere what would help is if everybody on the same faction could tag the same mobs you spend most of the time waiting for respawns.
Level 51 its took bloody ages playing on Mograine really busy server trying to do quests at peak time is a nightmare everything is overfarmed no mobs anywhere what would help is if everybody on the same faction could tag the same mobs you spend most of the time waiting for respawns.

Really? I did similar last week and didn't have a problem questing, even with queues on Noggenfogger. Are you playing at peak times as well? If so that's probably why. You could try inviting someone random and switching layers or go do Sunken Temple or Maraudon instead.
What's the name of the guild on Noggenfogger?

I'll try and search someone out for an invite when i get on tonight.

I have a level 21 warrior Banadict.
Really enjoying WoW Classic, even if its on a low level Paladin despite my last memories of taking this game seriously was with a TBC Draenai Shaman in PVE content.

I'm personally trying to grind max rep with Darnassus as I level, so am going to all sorts of PITA places questing to achieve that goal. One of these included The Charred Vale in Stone Talon Mountains, which is absolutely thick with horde who are keen to kill Alliance on sight. Then the tide turned when I chanced on an Ally warrior in a fight with the horde, healed him up from the brink of death and got a few kills together, and from then on established a beachhead for the alliance, inviting the very few allies we chanced upon (often finding only their corpse, which I was able to res) finding them more than grateful to group with us in such hostile territory.

Definitely making new memories to rival or exceed those of my original experience levelling on a PVP server in WoW TBC all those years ago and it's plenty of fun :)
Gotta love the intricacies of PVP in WoW Classic.

Went to BFD where I had to grind a few elite mobs in the tunnels outside the instance. I met a few horde, and after some /wave /indecipherable emotes with an undead rogue and and orc shaman waiting for the rest of their group, it seemed we were cool. The shaman even helped DPS a mob or two once I'd tagged them.

Tried the friendly approach again in an area of Ashenvale with a horde mage and hunter. They gave it a few seconds consideration then decided to kill on sight. I then ressed and complicated their situation enough to ensure they both died while fighting hard hitting mobs, what with me getting the killing blow on both of them.

Though thinking the Alliance was beyond reproach going by my own conduct in this war, my mind changed when I got with a group for SFK and headed into horde territory, and they seemed more suicidally interested in fighting the horde than actually getting to the instance.
Haven't been on for about two weeks nearly, I see loads more servers but all medium/low population, I guess there's still loads playing but all spread out on more servers.
Still enjoying Priest, lvl 26 so far. No rush as I can't play 24/7 to compete with the high lvl players. Looking forward to Shadow form and some PvP.
I've eventually hit level 40 - playing on a PvE realm which has made it easier, unfortunately I am now down to 7s after purchasing my mount haha, I haven't trained spells in a good few levels either. Finished Desolace which was an old favourite and now looking forward to going to Feralas but might head over to STV to do some of the Booty Bay quests as well.
Good BFD run last night, no deaths and a few nice drops. Gravestone Sceptre was a nice bonus, should keep me going for a while. I think the 5 man content is my favourite, especially if you get a good group. I like seeing what the non optimal groups can do, we had a warrior, a paladin, warlock and two priests. Seemed quite smooth :)
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