World of Warcraft: Classic

I hope the classic community is similar if not a lot more mature this time round.

Even back in the early days of WoW its community wasnt exactly famed for its maturity levels, I expect this time will be much the same. Theres a reason for the infamy of barrens chat ;)
Yeah chances are it will devolve, just have hope the toxic people haven't got the attention span to keep playing. I have noticed that the only other good communities are the niche game ones.
Even back in the early days of WoW its community wasnt exactly famed for its maturity levels, I expect this time will be much the same. Theres a reason for the infamy of barrens chat ;)
I think you will find that the people who played before are now a lot older and will want to play again. This will result in a more mature player base.

Plus the subscription will keep a lot of the kids out I'd imagine
Even back in the early days of WoW its community wasnt exactly famed for its maturity levels, I expect this time will be much the same. Theres a reason for the infamy of barrens chat ;)

Aye it was in guild and building up a strong friends list that created gold community. Normal community was just as stupid and childish as it is now. Having a good reputation on the old game was key, have a good rep or being in a well known guild and you would walk into any group, a bad rep and you may as well re-roll if you wanted to make any progress.
I think you will find that the people who played before are now a lot older and will want to play again. This will result in a more mature player base.

Plus the subscription will keep a lot of the kids out I'd imagine

That would be true, if only age was equivalent to maturity, sadly though that isnt the case and quite often the idiot in chat who you think is 12 turns out to be 32
That would be true, if only age was equivalent to maturity, sadly though that isnt the case and quite often the idiot in chat who you think is 12 turns out to be 32

Yes i think i will limit my interactions to the guild mainly, really a waste of time dealing with morons.
Would be great to see people get repercussions for being a douche, there is zero penalty for being toxic nowadays.

I remember when I first started playing, some schmuck was in SW telling everyone it was his birthday trying to get them to give him 1 gold each. He wasn't very amused when a GM removed all his items from his bags (put them in his bank, he only found out after much QQ) and stuffed his bags, literally every slot, with birthday cake. Given it was a GM item, he had to delete each and every one manually as they had no value and couldn't be sold / traded. I really wish we'd see a GM in the game again. Sadly the whole support system is now done by desk warriors too :(
I still remember tanking UBRS in original WoW and some DPS warrior rolling and winning the shield. I forgot the name of it but all the tanks (puggers at least) were after it iirc.
Its a shame you need an active sub to be considered for the beta invites, I don't want to spend ~£10pm for maybe getting an invite ahead of the August release. I haven't touched Retail since playing the first couple of months of Warlords of Draenor.
I still remember tanking UBRS in original WoW and some DPS warrior rolling and winning the shield. I forgot the name of it but all the tanks (puggers at least) were after it iirc.
Draconian Deflector.
I ran ubrs 87 times for the valour chest.
I was pro at tanking that dungeon by the time it dropped though.
I had the key. LFM for ubrs as a warrior tank- got key, it did not take long to fill a grp.
It's a great business, when you can recycle old stuff for the same money. As much as I have disliked the direction actiblizz has gone, the community is what made the game (well in the past).

I hope the classic community is similar if not a lot more mature this time round.
wasnt the original wow demographic around an avg of 28years old and 30% female.

I'm sure I read that somewhere
Professions, what's everyone going for? I used to focus on enchanting as it wasn't too bad farming on a hunter to get mats and then sell making a nice little profit. But I think this time round, with people knowing the game much better, having the recipes won't be as desirable as others will also be focusing on getting them.

I think I will still go with it but on an alt... Maybe a mage with tailoring and enchanting. Not sure what to pickup for my hunter as I level up, gold is my priority and I don't fancy focusing on playing the AH as I won't have time to keep on top of it.
The official forums are full of man babies screaming about layering and streamers destroying 'their' game.

In reality, it will barely dent the game. It's everyone being hurt they didn't get beta. People are forgetting that the chances of actually running into a streamer with their fans babysitting them will be pretty slim.
Professions, what's everyone going for? I used to focus on enchanting as it wasn't too bad farming on a hunter to get mats and then sell making a nice little profit. But I think this time round, with people knowing the game much better, having the recipes won't be as desirable as others will also be focusing on getting them.

I think I will still go with it but on an alt... Maybe a mage with tailoring and enchanting. Not sure what to pickup for my hunter as I level up, gold is my priority and I don't fancy focusing on playing the AH as I won't have time to keep on top of it.

I just hope that TSM is allowed in the beta. With enchanting, jewelcrafting and blacksmithing I was literally printing money in LK. You ever used TradeSkillMaster?
Draconian Deflector.
I ran ubrs 87 times for the valour chest.
I was pro at tanking that dungeon by the time it dropped though.
I had the key. LFM for ubrs as a warrior tank- got key, it did not take long to fill a grp.

You must have lost it a few times? I got both dal rends as rogue in less runs, think one was only 4% chance.
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