World of Warcraft: Classic

Take your own advice bud.

As I said, good luck with the mindset, as long as you're having fun, right?

We've found... 'that' guy all.

"LOLLL, you rolled X class and spec for Y, you're so dumb!"

Aaaaannnnnnyyyyyyywayyyyyyy, here's a video explaining why warriors are the best class in any game ever and far, far superior to everything else created in any game.


You heard me. Fite me irl bro.

(He has these for most classes, they're pretty good)
Aaaaannnnnnyyyyyyywayyyyyyy, here's a video explaining why warriors are the best class in any game ever and far, far superior to everything else created in any game.
And that's why raids should only have warriors and priests in them and nothing else. Or something.
My guildmates generally think so, that's all that matters.

You're the guy who sits on the step outside the auction house for hours on end so the other players can admire you, and don't talk to anyone unless their gearscore is over 9000, aren't you? Go on, tell us all about your realm firsts, we're struggling to contain our excitement over here.

And that's why raids should only have warriors and priests in them and nothing else. Or something.

Nah you need the odd pity spot for other classes. It always feels good to brighten up the day of those not fortunate enough to be a warrior. Hunters in particular, the poor fellas.
So it’s fair to say that if I roll a ret pally I’ll suck compared to other dps classes?

It’s a shame as I love the idea of a retribution paladin
You're the guy who sits on the step outside the auction house for hours on end so the other players can admire you, and don't talk to anyone unless their gearscore is over 9000, aren't you? Go on, tell us all about your realm firsts, we're struggling to contain our excitement over here.

That's a lot of supposition on your end.

1. Never used the GS addon, always thought it was ridiculous.
2. I tend to play until I'm in a position to log in for raids a couple of times a week and not much else, I'll spend more time leveling and gearing pre-raid obviously but once at that point I'll rarely be online. No hanging around the AH waiting for admiring glances on my end, gear is a means to an end only.
3. I was being fairly literal, if someone enjoys doing a thing and people are willing to support them as they do it that's great. The people I play with are unlikely to have great numbers of hybrids acting as DPS outside of five man content with the odd exception, warriors being one of them. There's bound to be guilds happy to act in that way, but given my only interest in WoW is ultimately end game progression I'm not going to be doing that. I've witnessed numerous guilds in vanilla attempt to allow people to play whatever they like and they almost always hit a wall after MC.

So it’s fair to say that if I roll a ret pally I’ll suck compared to other dps classes?

It’s a shame as I love the idea of a retribution paladin

If you want to raid as DPS and compete for output, you're not going to do it as a Retadin, regardless of what anyone tells you about viability. That's not to say it's impossible to play one in a raid, there are guilds more willing to let people play whatever they like and there are, believe it or not, niche roles within certain higher end guilds where the likes of a Retadin might be taken. If I remember correctly the US second kill of Vael in BWL included a Retadin wielding Hand of Ragnaros. He was wasn't acting as a pure DPS though, he was helping to heal and do a bunch of other things while contributing a much lower amount of damage than the dedicated DPS. If you're happy to play specifically as a hybrid while doing some DPS then there's a chance you'll find a place. If you want to top the charts (or hell, even sit mid table) it isn't going to happen. There's probably guilds already recruiting, it could be worth having a look around and seeing if there's anyone planning on the sort of composition that would benefit you. If you just want to do five mans, you'll be fine as just about anything.
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