PM Me your Battle net details and I will see if we can invite you to there first.
Trust is being a pig. So dis86#2246
You horde or alliance?
I'll probably reroll nogg tonight if I can.
Just did /who and there's a bunch of level 47s doing Zul'Farak already
It entirely possible the first few people to 60 will not be able to support that fast pace.
If you only focused on leveling your likely to have no professions or trade skills and be cash short with no mounts.
You might be able to get a stack of righteous orbs or even BOE epics from early MC but no one on the server will have the gold to buy them.
Wonder if its possible to go 1-60 without sleeping..
Wonder if its possible to go 1-60 without sleeping..
So @jasoncb has said he wants to try 1-60 without sleeping. I'll chuck in a case of Red Bull, anyone else wanna contribute towards this?