World of Warcraft: Classic

Are we sticking?

Yes. Pointless changing the server now when we all have our names set-up.

E: I'm reading mixed posts that the Spanish community will be re-rolling to Gehennas. Regardless of what server you choose, they will all be full and have queues. Spanish guilds are staying on Shazzrah.
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I’m playing PvE this time round but if you want the proper vanilla experience PvP realms before the BGs are released (phase 3 I think) is where it’ll be. I can still remember STV after they released the honour system but before they released the BGs. Classic will be the same after phase 2 and before phase 3 where you can only farm honour out in the world.


I’m sure Nessingwary must have a quest chain that involves killing increasing numbers of opposing faction players like the ones he does for tigers :cool:
Classic BETA has reopened today, lvl 40 templates level cap 45 for whatever reason. I started playing it again but dont want to burn out before release.
Is it true that if you didn't create a character on Shazzrah you won't be able to on launch, as they've locked the realm?!
Is it true that if you didn't create a character on Shazzrah you won't be able to on launch, as they've locked the realm?!

It's only "full" right now, I think you can create unless it states "locked".

Hopefully they will keep releasing servers so none change to locked.
Should it be possible to install the Classic game files yet? Trying to via the Blizzard launcher and 'Start install' just does nothing.

Edit: nevermind the launcher needed an update.
I’ve hedged my bets against the potential long queue times and created a character on Gehennas. Still planning on Shazz realm ideally though.
I've made Diddums the human warrior on both, screw it.

How will the guild work? Once it's set up with the right number of signatures can anyone invite another player to the guild? Also, when it comes to dungeons and questing in guild groups will the undead stay on the EK or would they have to come across to Kalimdor? or vice versa.

I missed vanilla but from BC onwards you could create roles or ranks in your guilds and you can assign permissions to each one. It's a bloody clever system tbh.
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