World of Warcraft - Hunter

29 May 2006
Great Britain
Im a level 31 hunter and was looking for some help with pets.

Is it worth training elite animals as pets, do they have higher attributes or DPS.

Are raptors really the best pet to go for they do hit hard but dont seem as good as cats as they seem to attack faster

Any help or thoughts would be really helpful
Check out the following site for information on the different pets available and what they are good for;

The following lists the pet skills available to each type of pet and what level they are available at and also where they can be found....Very useful.

I've got Humar the pridelord at the moment. Awesome pet as he has a slightly different look to all the other cats in the game. Not as fast as Broken Tooth, but I prefer the looks.
Shadow Phoenix said:
Im a level 31 hunter and was looking for some help with pets.

Is it worth training elite animals as pets, do they have higher attributes or DPS.

For looks only.All elite animals revert back to standard once trained.

Shadow Phoenix said:
Are raptors really the best pet to go for they do hit hard but dont seem as good as cats as they seem to attack faster

Any help or thoughts would be really helpful

There is no 'best' pet.Cats are good for pvp,bears/turtles are good at tanking but honestly the differences are very small.The best advice I can give is find a pet you like the look of..he/she will be with you for a long time :D
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sup3rc0w said:
The search function and the sticky on the top of the page also does wonders

A quick,friendly reply would do wonders to welcome someone with only 10 posts to their name rather than the superior attitude you've displayed.

D+..See me after.
ExRayTed said:
A quick,friendly reply would do wonders to welcome someone with only 10 posts to their name rather than the superior attitude you've displayed.

D+..See me after.

i dont mind its nice to get some helpful feedback
ExRayTed said:
A quick,friendly reply would do wonders to welcome someone with only 10 posts to their name rather than the superior attitude you've displayed.

No superiority was intended, maybe your inferiority complex makes you a little over aggresive in jumping the gun? :P
Silent-Lucidity said:
Get a boar. Boar's are the daddy!

Charge stun and eat anything. Look cool too if u get one from the instance in south crossroads.

Thanks for the idea not sure if a boar or scopinoid is better what instance is there at crossraods do u mean wailing caverns
Just a quick question ive seen people talking about stealth and low speed pets

and Im wondering do pets do more damage with lower speeds im using Humar

as he looks so good and is only black lion in the game also ahve a scopinoid to

tank sometimes and wondered is it worth giving my lion stealth as hes quite

quick as it is. Any help will always be appreciated
Lord-Jaffa said:
At the end of the day pets are useless at 60 so i wouldnt worry too much about it.
:confused: Wouldn’t say my pet is useless maybe eats far to much though :D
i think they are most useful when fighting casters, as the pets help to interupt their casting. as a shaman (60) i find hunters pets to be annoying, as they add just a bit more dps and i often find my self killing them sometimes
Lord-Jaffa said:
At the end of the day pets are useless at 60 so i wouldnt worry too much about it.

Boars if anything are the best, simply because they eat summoned bread :P

Are boars really better than bears because they eat everything aswell

You'll find you'll use different pets for different occasions when you get to 60. A lot of Hunters will use a fast attacking and moving cat, from Winterspring say, for PvP and something else for PvE.

I use a bear for PvE. Good hit points and armour and eats most things.
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