World of Warcraft - Hunter

Pets are essential to hunters as they provide the highest dps. Infact a hunter with Beastmastery is the highest possible dps on a hunter. Its also your offtank so you can shoot enemies without them doing anything to you.
MiGSY said:
lol? What have you been smoking?

Hunter pets are worthless in raids, they die in 10 seconds on 9/10 boss fights. Makes no difference if you have them out or not, plus the fact on some fights they are a downright liability and will wipe the raid(hi proximity agro on Twin Emps for example). If you think pets are great then you have obviously not done anything harder than Stratholme/DM and Scholomance.

and LOL at the above post, BM hunters are far from the highest damage build.
Lord-Jaffa said:
Hunter pets are worthless in raids, they die in 10 seconds on 9/10 boss fights. Makes no difference if you have them out or not, plus the fact on some fights they are a downright liability and will wipe the raid(hi proximity agro on Twin Emps for example). If you think pets are great then you have obviously not done anything harder than Stratholme/DM and Scholomance.

and LOL at the above post, BM hunters are far from the highest damage build.

Erm...PvP exists at level 60, does it not?
Some pets even give buffs like Boar and wolves. You get more attack power so they are useful in raids since patch 1.9 or whatever.
MiGSY said:
Erm...PvP exists at level 60, does it not?

if you are a hunter and you dont have a pet theres something wrong, pets are vital in our survival, use a pet to kite.... works a treat im only lvl 20, but know a fair bit about the game having a lot of lvl 60 friends on the same server.

i have a pet crab which has very high armor for grinding, and defensive uses.

tbh pets do still have their uses in endgame, well i mainly talk about my pet wolf. Furious howl can be very beneficial, well it doesnt detract anything from it, for a lot of encounters. Im not just talking about something like MC either, it goes through to AQ at times.

Still, the beast mastery dps thing has me giggling.
Lord-Jaffa said:
and LOL at the above post, BM hunters are far from the highest damage build.

.. yea, you must have passed whatever you were smoking to him? :P
And btw: next time fluffy runs in for a suicide pull, thank him that you dont have to do it and pay a massive repair bill
I have to agree that pets are essential for hunters so many times they have

helped me out and Im only level 36 at the moment. Im using a cat as he has

Dps and more importantly can chase down an escaping enemy before they

alert more people.. When I get to level 60 Ill decide then if I still need my pet

till then I will take my pet wherever I go :D
Shadow Phoenix said:
I have to agree that pets are essential for hunters so many times they have

helped me out and Im only level 36 at the moment. Im using a cat as he has

Dps and more importantly can chase down an escaping enemy before they

alert more people.. When I get to level 60 Ill decide then if I still need my pet

till then I will take my pet wherever I go :D

Nice, wait till 60 tho when your pet dies from 2 cleaves of a raid mob or gets destroyed by aoes. Also i love how my pet tanks, well i would love it if he could outagro even my white MELEE damage, has no chance of holding agro vs bow damage. Everything changes once you get out of green items and hit 60. Pets do not scale with gear either which is great :rolleyes:
sup3rc0w said:
.. yea, you must have passed whatever you were smoking to him? :P
And btw: next time fluffy runs in for a suicide pull, thank him that you dont have to do it and pay a massive repair bill

I pull nakid anyway on raids, and if you think BM is the "highest damage build" a hunter can have then your equipment must be incredibly poor.
Lord-Jaffa said:
I pull nakid anyway on raids, and if you think BM is the "highest damage build" a hunter can have then your equipment must be incredibly poor.

I'm assuming your reading comprehension isn't too great.
try reading my post again
**hint** It's the "yea, you must have passed whatever you were smoking to him" bit ;)
Lord-Jaffa said:
Nice, wait till 60 tho when your pet dies from 2 cleaves of a raid mob or gets destroyed by aoes. Also i love how my pet tanks, well i would love it if he could outagro even my white MELEE damage, has no chance of holding agro vs bow damage. Everything changes once you get out of green items and hit 60. Pets do not scale with gear either which is great :rolleyes:

lol :D Yeah Ive been wondering about that aswell where the enemy comes

after me because I upgraded my gun to do more damge but with a slower shot

speed. Im now thinking about going to a lower Dps but quicker reload do you

think that would mean the pet kept more aggro that way?
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Shadow Phoenix said:
lol :D Yeah Ive been wondering about that aswell where the enemy comes

after me because I upgraded my gun to do more damge but with a slower shot

speed. Im now thinking about going to a lower Dps but quicker reload do you

think that would mean the pet kept more aggro that way?

Just dont start off with a aimed shot.
Slap a sting on and keep on with the autoshoot, and finish with an aimed. Dont really need to get different equipement. Can also always just FD.
yeah pets do just fine, people just arent willing to adapt to make the most out of them. Admittedly if i was farming stuff i'd not use a pet simply because it wouldnt get to the mob by the time it died unless im farming elites.

Point still stands, pets are as useful at 60 as they were at 10 (very btw).
sup3rc0w said:
Just dont start off with a aimed shot.
Slap a sting on and keep on with the autoshoot, and finish with an aimed. Dont really need to get different equipement. Can also always just FD.

Yeah good idea to Feign death so you get less exp per mob while leveling!
Lord-Jaffa said:
I pull nakid anyway on raids, and if you think BM is the "highest damage build" a hunter can have then your equipment must be incredibly poor.

BM is the highest dps build for hunters. That doesnt mean its a practical build for raiding or PVP for most.
fdxd said:
BM is the highest dps build for hunters. That doesnt mean its a practical build for raiding or PVP for most.

The reason it isnt a 'practical build for raiding or pvp for most' is because it is not the best DPS build for a hunter, infact BM is only useful for leveling, and maybe for a farming alt who you use only for farming, which a BM build excels at, and sometimes even pvp, but no way is it the highest dps build for hunters.
fdxd said:
BM is the highest dps build for hunters. That doesnt mean its a practical build for raiding or PVP for most.

Wrong wrong , wrong wrong ... wrong wrong wrong wrong.... youre wrong .... youre wrong. [/scrubs]

If you have agi gear, survival spec, if you have attack power/crit gear, marksmanship. BM spec can never compare to the others endgame.

Also Jaffa, where did you hear that? wow doesnt take damage done in to account, so prove it or its lies. Not saying "omg lies die", just wanna know either way :)
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