***World of Warcraft : Legion***

smoothest expansion launch in memory for me (server queues are not a problem at launch, its a symptom of being on a High pop realm)

Didnt get much further last night than my artifact, glad i started on Druid as the Dreamgrove is amazing.

Really taking my time with this one, no better time in wow than when everything is fresh and new.
Absolutely loved the Artifact weapon quest line for my Holy Pala :D Was grinning through the whole thing and the big hammer looks awesome!

Started off in Azsuna which is a pretty dark looking place to start but then blossoms out into a very leafy, picturesque elf like zone!

Ran Halls of Valor which looks pretty amazing. Logged off at about 2am, not far past level 101.

All-in-all, pretty pleased so far. Now to run the artifact quest on all my other characters!

So tempted to call in sick this morn :p
[RB];29953328 said:
All-in-all, pretty pleased so far. Now to run the artifact quest on all my other characters!

Esactly what im doing :D

No character past 100 yet, just gettin their artifacts soaking in the lore, might actually step foot in a zone today :p
I'm on Terenas and wouldn't mind being in the decent friendly guild for legion. :)

fistoffun#1725 is my bnet.

I may well send you a whisper!

My Mage won't be ready for legion which is a shame. Nearly up to 90 so may just do the 90-100 levelling as normal.

Then to decide whether to boost a hunter, Druid or warlock

Hi Guys,

Will be on from around 7:30pm tonight, battling my way through Legions Broken Isles on my Warlock :) will send you guys a friend request etc and get you a guildinvite.

I have 2 ACCA exams next week, and both Legion and BF1 beta have been dropped on me in the same day, what is life!

I have a Pala (was my main - played prot), Warlock, Hunter, Mage, Warrior @ 100 and still can't decide which to main. Really want Ret Paladin but they're in such a bad place :(

Think I'll go with some form of Warrior, with Paladin as an alt until it gets a buff. Just won't get a proper chance to play until next thursday...
Loving Legion so far, Ashbringer FTW! Having to wait till evenings to play is awful but it's better than the wife enraging and one shotting till the carpet sharks are back at school :eek:


Have there been any announcements on how you go about getting a second artifact for off-spec? Or is this not something you're expected to do?
[RB];29953715 said:
Have there been any announcements on how you go about getting a second artifact for off-spec? Or is this not something you're expected to do?

All I've heard is that you can get the artifacts for all specs at some point.
[RB];29953715 said:
Have there been any announcements on how you go about getting a second artifact for off-spec? Or is this not something you're expected to do?

Level 102 I think? Taken from the WoW forums:

1) level up to 102

2) activate off-spec that you want the 2nd artifact for

3a) if you are in your class hall: go to Dalaran, RELOG, go back to class hall
3b) if you are outside of class hall: RELOG, go to class hall

4) you should see someone offering a quest for the artifact in your class hall
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I believe at 102 you can get an offspec Artifact, tbh i played an hour or so last night when it went live, got my Arti weapon on Warlock and went to bed, this morning i had a sneaky 30mins before work and run round doing a few quests.

Im following the intended levelling path which starts with Azsuna i believe? its great fun, i installed the Handynotes Legion addon also to list all the locations of the chests and rares and whatnot as i figured i wanted to complete each zone before moving on fully.

The artifact weapon quest itself was a lot of fun for Destruction Warlock, i chuckled in a few places, and the weapon itself feels pretty decent but i imagine scales really well with power, love the look of the alternate skins etc that you can preview.

One thing i did do was get the engineering quest from Dalaran, and got a fair few mining quest things from mining mobs and ore nodes in the world, have not made anything yet though.

New expansion time is the best time of WOW as everything is new and fun to explore and just learn as go, and Wowhead / Google is your friend when you get stuck with something ;)
Finally got on about quarter past midnight this morning, having been in a queue since 10.30pm. Expected it to be laggy after all the aggro just getting logged on, but once in, it ran as smooth as silk. No lag, no DCs, nothing ...

[RB];29953328 said:
All-in-all, pretty pleased so far. Now to run the artifact quest on all my other characters!

Got an Outlaw rogue, Unholy DK, Fire mage, Aff warlock, Shadow priest, Enhancement shammy and a Havoc DH all ready at 100 in i700 gear. Choice of main is out of the rogue, DK and DH - got the rogue his artifact weapon before logging off this morning and will probably do likewise with the DK tonight, especially given that there shouldn't be any queues. Probably swaying towards the DK as a main if I'm honest, but we'll see ...

[RB];29953328 said:
Started off in Azsuna which is a pretty dark looking place to start but then blossoms out into a very leafy, picturesque elf like zone!

Likewise was probably going to start with this zone, given that I saw a bit of it doing the rogue artifact quest last night. One thing I noticed doing the rogue quest - if you die fighting an NPC like the one you kill to get the blades or the first mate to commandeer the ship, when you go back to that NPC, its health bar doesn't regenerate. The reduction in its health that you did before you died stays in effect - can't say I'd ever noticed that happening in WoW before ...
I've read pretty much nothing about Legion, Pre-ordered back when it was first available. Not sure what to main this time around, it'll most likely be my DK again though. I'll eventually get around to leveling up my others. Spent the last few weeks getting them all up 100 as i skipped a lot on WoD, got mage,hunter, priest (a demon hunter to but very much doubt i'll play it.

It's good that all my mates are picking it up again though. Although one of them will no doubt ditch us to go serious HC raiding.

Anyone on outland alliance? how's the server holding up?

Any recommendation for someone who hasn't started yet?
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