***World of Warcraft : Legion***

I was trying to get in earlier for ages. Started playing a game of league whilst waiting, eventually got in but got kicked for AFK cause of league so im back trying again :(
I appreciate it's still launch day and everyone's still on the hype train, but Blizz should really pull their finger out and start offering some Transfers to lower pop realms. I would imagine as they now expect folks to pay for that privilege, the pigs will be flying before this happens.
So I just dinged 110. Would have been 3 - 4 hrs earlier but I messed around on that Exodar quest as well as doing Class Order and profession stuff. Also had a lul of being quite tired but it passed. Eventually got hit by lag (it is Kazzak though).

To clear a few things up:

@ Level 102 you can do quests to unlock additional artifact weapons.

Zones scale to whatever level you are (even if questing with out people with different levels).
Rather disappointing you can get max level in a few hours. :confused:

Same with any expansion if you put your mind to it you can rush in no time. People have reasons for doing this, in the past I always blazed through on my main then took my time on alts.

This expansion I'm going casual so at this stage I have one 101 and 3 others just past their artifacts.

Too busy making money from early ore,herb,skin prices
My outlaw rogue was the one I was playing last night and yeah, I struggled with the boss-type mobs during the rogue artifact quest - just couldn't seem to get enough damage done quickly enough.

There was one bit in the temple where there's that thing in the middle spraying water around in a circle that you have to deactivate by killing three mobs around the outside - that had me scratching my head for a bit before the penny dropped that instead of trying to just zerg them down as I had been doing, you have to watch for them to start casting their heal spell and then interrupt it. They were easy kills after that ...

Stumbled across a side quest in the vicinity and didn't seem to struggle with those mobs, though I wouldn't claim to be an expert - in terms of hours played, my DK far outstrips my rogue ...

Thanks for getting back to me, she's sorted now, finding the game a lot easier now she's in the Broken Isles.:)
I've rushed levelling through too many expansion packs to do it again with this, so I'm levelling casually.

Almost 102, only played the night of release for a couple of hours and this afternoon for a couple, around 5pm (UK time) my server just became unplayable, and I made a new character on another realm for an hour and messed about a bit.

Enjoying the game so far, but feel that the order hall is just the new garrison, meh.
Really want Ret Paladin but they're in such a bad place :(

They may have been in a bad place before your artifact weapon but from what I have seen\heard they aren't anymore

I've my 100 boost token to use...what should I get? I'm thinking a healer as my Monk is currently DPS and I'm probably going to put my DH as a tank.

Played priest back in Cata days but mainly as shadow.

You realise your monk is also a Healer+Tank and a very very good one in both instances.

Got kicked whilst making/eating food. Cannot log in again.

Blizzard are ridiculously bad with launches, 7 in, you'd think they'd have it down by now.

This has been the smoothest and best launch I have ever experienced with a blizzard product. Getting kicked while being AFK for a prolonged period of time isn't their fault. What stopped you getting in? Server queues? if so this is also not their fault.

Played a bit myself yesterday and ended around 103 I believe. Tried the halls of valor, Neltharions Lair and another instance that is outside and full of Naga. All very good and refreshing but I am not sure if that is simply because they are new to me. Playing as a Blood DK and finding leveling insanely easy, Can pull 10 mobs and AOE them down quite happily due to self healing, Can even solo parts of instances with 2 or 3 mobs at a time no issues. The Disc priest in the halls of valor pointed out to me I was healing just lower than he was (him at 45% and me at 44%)
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[RB];29955578 said:
3000 queue on Draenor :/

I'm on Draenor too and it was hellish about 6.30 last night when I got home from work - didn't even bother waiting when I saw the queue size. To be honest I expected another long wait when I sat down for a sesh about 10.30pm, but no - queue was at 200-odd and I was in within a couple of minutes. Again, once logged in, it was fine - no lag or DC's.

DK is now 101, almost finished with the Tidestone questline and halfway towards the second tier of artefact power upgrades.
This has been the smoothest and best launch I have ever experienced with a blizzard product. Getting kicked while being AFK for a prolonged period of time isn't their fault. What stopped you getting in? Server queues? if so this is also not their fault.

Smoothest, but still not smooth.

No, I know it's not their fault I got AFK kicked, that wasn't my issue. I could log in to other servers but I had no 100s on any (something I should probably remedy!).

No queues on my server either, just logged on but no char selection, everything was just black. Then eventually when the selection shows up properly and you log on it get's to 90% loading then kicked me out of the game constantly for the best part of an hour.

When I did manage to play I would lag every time I opened a chest and sometimes when looting a mob, it would be a good 60 second lag spike.
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So dinged 103 and still have not finished questing in Azshara, i am on the last few quests i think though as the map is showing 4/5, i have been back to the Class Hall and done a couple of quests there, i have used a ton of artifact exp things but i still cannot figure out how i am supposed to actually apply them as points to my weapon? i am guessing i need to unlock a forge or something in my Class Hall? i have only been there twice in all honesty as i have been busy hoovering up all the chests and rares and quests in Azshara.

Done the Engineering intro stuff and got a couple of patterns, and i also picked up a quest for my 2nd Artifact which i am not going to bother with til 110 unless someone thinks its better to do before hand?

Im enjoying it, im taking my time, not rushing, basically moving from quest to quest, hoovering up rares, treasure and ore nodes along the way. I am following what i guess is the official story path? Azshara first then the one to the north, then moving East, SE then finally to Suramar?

Done the Eye of Azshara dungeon, my dps was so bad, there was a 106 Enh Shammy putting out around 110k dps, while me at 102 was pumping around 45k dps, i was roughly half the dps of the lowest dps above me :( was quite sad, but i am wondering if they had spent points on their artifact etc.

So yeah its been a great launch, just taking it all in, exploring the zones etc, Handy Notes Legion is definitely not complete as i have seen plenty more rares than are listed on it, which has been nice.
So dinged 103 and still have not finished questing in Azshara, i am on the last few quests i think though as the map is showing 4/5, i have been back to the Class Hall and done a couple of quests there, i have used a ton of artifact exp things but i still cannot figure out how i am supposed to actually apply them as points to my weapon? i am guessing i need to unlock a forge or something in my Class Hall? i have only been there twice in all honesty as i have been busy hoovering up all the chests and rares and quests in Azshara.
There is a quest to unlock a forge in your class hall then you need to use that to spend the points.

Done the Engineering intro stuff and got a couple of patterns, and i also picked up a quest for my 2nd Artifact which i am not going to bother with til 110 unless someone thinks its better to do before hand?
Why not just do it now? More exp and you get an offspec weapon? I don't think you gain anything by waiting

Im enjoying it, im taking my time, not rushing, basically moving from quest to quest, hoovering up rares, treasure and ore nodes along the way. I am following what i guess is the official story path? Azshara first then the one to the north, then moving East, SE then finally to Suramar?

Done the Eye of Azshara dungeon, my dps was so bad, there was a 106 Enh Shammy putting out around 110k dps, while me at 102 was pumping around 45k dps, i was roughly half the dps of the lowest dps above me :( was quite sad, but i am wondering if they had spent points on their artifact etc.
4 levels above you, not surprised at all, but due to the scaling of the enemies you probably did a similar % of damage

So yeah its been a great launch, just taking it all in, exploring the zones etc, Handy Notes Legion is definitely not complete as i have seen plenty more rares than are listed on it, which has been nice.
There was an update to Handy Notes yesterday evening.
I did a dungeon yesterday with some old guild friends, we've all just come back for Legion, it was so hilariously easy. Things have come a long way in terms of toning down the easiest tiers!

Healer rarely had to heal, and our tactics were just stand still and dps...

Think it was the Azshara one, where you get to throw fish from a barrel? HOBBIT

I'm not rushing leveling (I can't), but I don't feel the need to really. Going to have to go through all the zones at 110 anyway to get 100% for flying mount so just doing it all as I go.
Smoothest, but still not smooth.

No, I know it's not their fault I got AFK kicked, that wasn't my issue. I could log in to other servers but I had no 100s on any (something I should probably remedy!).

No queues on my server either, just logged on but no char selection, everything was just black. Then eventually when the selection shows up properly and you log on it get's to 90% loading then kicked me out of the game constantly for the best part of an hour.

When I did manage to play I would lag every time I opened a chest and sometimes when looting a mob, it would be a good 60 second lag spike.

I would consider this release to have been smooth. There are a few minor issues for the minority. I was on a fair portion of the day and evening and experienced minor pockets of lag but no worse than usual with the DDOS attempts recently. I think you are being overly harsh considering the state of the game in the last 2\3 releases.
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