***World of Warcraft : Legion***

Really enjoying myself so far. At 106 now with my monk and completed stormhelm and just finished high mountain. Pretty good zones and for once playing wow I was (somewhat) following along with the story. Onto Val'Sharah next.

From the sounds of it, I'll be 110 before finishing the 4 levelling zones?
Is that just an action bar below your mini map macca?

Its an addon for ElvUI called Shadow And Light, lets you stack all your minimap buttons into a panel like that


infact no wyou have pointed it out I'm going to make it mouseover to keep it cleaner :)

From the sounds of it, I'll be 110 before finishing the 4 levelling zones?

I did it in just under 2 1/4 zones, but was doing profession quests and all the bonus objectives in each zone as I went.
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Never played WoW before. If I started now could I realistically catch up with people gear wise or is it like Black Desert where I'll never be able to due to the gear grind?
Never played WoW before. If I started now could I realistically catch up with people gear wise or is it like Black Desert where I'll never be able to due to the gear grind?

Everyone is on the same level at the start of a new expansion. You would have a much harder time joining later in an expansion when people have had gear upgrades for a few years.

If you start now and use your boost you get a starting set of gear which you will upgrade through questing etc, so yes now is a good time to start :D
Everyone is on the same level at the start of a new expansion. You would have a much harder time joining later in an expansion when people have had gear upgrades for a few years.

If you start now and use your boost you get a starting set of gear which you will upgrade through questing etc, so yes now is a good time to start :D

I probably wouldn't use the boost for my first char as is miss out on a load of the game.

I'll give it a go, I fancy jumping into a decent mmo again.
i started playing wow on its launch day all those years ago it so easy now compared to back then so if you want to start at lvl 1 its not to hard to catch up
Using GW2 UI now with a few things added. Always was a TukUI user (AsphyxiaUI) but needed a change.

Using a previous iteration of Lyns UI myself - screenshot of the placement here (its not mine btw). Will probably change a few things when I can be bothered, mainly swap the unit/party/raid frames over to STUF as I find it easier to change things on the fly, will change the font size and a few things in the target frame.

Crumbled and bought Legion and was fully intending on maining a DK/Paladin but really enjoying my fire mage's playstyle :o that could all change at level cap as I cant pvp for **** on him though :eek:. Have played the following artifact weapon q lines through: Frost DK, Fire Mage, Ret Paladin, WW monk, Outlaw rogue, Resto Druid, Disc Priest, Prot Warrior. The DK, Paladin and Druid quest lines were the most fun imo. Priest and Monk the least fun. Paladin Holy weapon looks sweet as too, expect that could sway me in the end.

Next up is my enhance shaman - I do need to level him up from 70 though. Have zero interest to play my hunter :(

CSTK007#2445 is my bnet tag - alliance on Aerie Peak and Argent Dawn :)
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I couldn't even guess how old my UI is... I might of made it in TBC/WOTLK

Surprisingly nothing is broken so I won't be changing it. :o

They are bearable anyway, I really do not understand the hate for them. They are easy, require minimum upkeep and take about 2-5 minutes to get going each day.

I'm thinking of changing my monitor next. Do you think a gtx1060 will do 1440p at max settings?

I have a 980 GTX and cannot play above 60fps consistently at max. Not sure if these are comparable or not as I have not checked out the 10xx series of cards
Actually loving this expansion so far. Although the grind for fear is real. Took me an age to get heroic gear and even doing heroic you barely get better gear. Currently for 518 ilvl and I'm still rolling trinkets at 780 and 790 :p

Myself and some buddies thought we'd jump in on some mythics though. I started with 814 ilvl as the tank and the healer had 813. Safe to say it took us a while but it was a laugh. The dps all had just over 820 gear. Could never do a mythic with a PUG though. Vent was our saving grace.
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