***World of Warcraft : Legion***

Having great fun on this again. Love the dungeons and love the class halls. Finally got to 110. Got to finish off some quests in my last area and then onto suramar.
My main at the moment is a Lone Wolf MM Hunter. I'm enjoying questing around with him atm.
Also have a Resto Shammy I've started and done 1 dungeon with.
Have an Arms Warrior and Prot Pally at 100 waiting in the wings for some love. I might concentrate on getting them their artifact weapons tonight so they're ready when needed.
How much fun is the Disc Priest :D ? Re-specced to it instead of shadow and did the artifact questline for it last night.

Would have been even more enjoyable had I not started dozing off at the keyboard - one of the perils of playing late at night! Four late nights on the trot are starting to take their toll ... damn you Blizzard!

Still think my DK will be the first to reach 110, but really tempted to at least do the artifact questlines on all my 100s right now - there's been a couple so far that have involved visiting some iconic locations from Vanilla and past expansions, which is great from an atmosphere and lore point of view.
I've not had too much game time this week and away for the weekend so it'll be a slow, but fun, road for me. I'm tempted to do all the mainspec artifact quests on all level 100s, then possibly even level outlaw rogue and MM hunter equally.

I'm definitely in no rush and that way I can enjoy different zones as I progress.
I ran two of the dungeons last night. Gotta say i know they are just normals, but the where so faceroll. Even if you slip up and still stand in the move spots you barely shift. And no it wasnt all down to the healer either :p Ended up pretty much pulling as much as I could reach everytime. I'm sure HC and Mythic will be a bit more fun, atleast I hope.

Cool looking dungeons though, i just dont remeber normals be so damn easy. I'm only lvl 104 and my gear isn't great. I started of with full 710 pvp gear and i've only got a few extra new bits.

At this point I just want to start gearing up, I'm already on my last zone though! I completed every quest in Val'Sharah and got out of stormheim as quick as I could, not a fan of the zone at all. Then last night i finished highmountain, i thought I'd save the side quests till later as i really liked that zone.

So far Azsuna hasn't been all that but I've only done like 4 quests, not even completed the first chapter.

my biggest issue is at level 100 I was getting 15000 xp per quest, now at level 104 im getting 15600 xp. Why is the quest XP barely scaling in this expansion?
yea mines working perfect.. this game is really nice in 21:9 with everything on ultra/max on a gtx1080 and x34 :)
I stopped using ElvUI, I couldn't get into it, felt lost!

Need to find something good too to aid in healing through atonement as disc. So far I have just set grid to show an icon, but I need better, such as how long is left of the buff on each raid member.
I user a combo of UI elements. My usual go to is SUF (Shadow unit frames), Bartender 4, Elkanos buff bars and SexyMap. There's others bits too like Skada, parrot, FCT etc. and some other QoL addons but those are the basis for my UI. Works well for me

- GP
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