***World of Warcraft : Legion***

Just trying to level my alts and just realised that I would love to have flying for Draenor.
After a bit of googling I now realise I have to do a ton of achievements first. Almost done the majority of them now to get the grindy rep ones.

I see there's something similar for Legion but hopefully not so grindy (although it's just for a faster mount speed, not flying)

It also made me realise how long ago I played this game last time. One of the achievements was for 2014.
Enjoying the expansion, playing casually :) and I'm at iLevel ~820~, enjoying the questing and just trucking about. I've got multiple alts at level 100, and lower levels I would love to level too.

As much as I thought the 'one weapon' from level 100 would be boring, I'm enjoying the artefact weapons a lot :).
I'm doing the exact same thing. I've got my main levelled to 110, so I've been PvPing with him to gear up (although, disappointingly we won a BG last night and all I got in the blue chest afterward was a Swiftness potion!) and have been levelling other characters as well.

I really enjoy Demon Hunter. He's level 100. I took him to Draenor to get a garrison sorted so that I can get more mining mats to level my DK's blacksmithing up, although I'm kinda wondering what the point of that is now. I'm making far more money from Alchemy and that's on my main. I don't see the point in the other professions, it'll take so long to get them to a decent level and I don't know what they'd be useful for.

Speaking of which, is there a simple way of levelling things like First Aid on alts? I don't have it at a high level on some, and want to bring it higher up for them, but I don't know if I can be bothered farming all the mats needed.

So far I'm really enjoying this expansion. I'm looking at it with very much a casual eye and I look forward to logging in each evening to see what's next!
I'm ilvl 828 (prot) at the moment (just from world quests etc).

I ran LFR as fury just to see the what it was about. LFR is just as boring as it ever was but I was expecting that.

I'm probably going to level an alt but might try joining a random mythic group. I'll watch the videos but I'm worried ppl will shout at me when we wipe. Haha.
All being well I should get Legion tomorrow and jump in and start my sub again. I have a Warrior Tank as my main and would love to tank raids with it properly. Not really done so due to not being in a guild or lack of confidence in randoms. I cant really afford to move it to a different server but would OcUK wow players consider making a cross server raid team for casual play? That way the ones that lack the skills or confidence can play with out being pressured and the worry of being kicked as I would imagine you guys would teach/be patient with the rest of us.
The latest patch has made quite a difference really, plus the Mythic+ chest rewards.

Managed to clear normal, and do first boss Heroic last night in less than 3 hours. Couldn't do the dragon heroic before as the DPS just wasn't enough (too much melee being gimped by having to move out for the rot debuff :()
Normal cleared twice already, plus first Heroic boss.

Normal was shockingly easy if you have an 840+ raid.
Normal cleared twice already, plus first Heroic boss.

Normal was shockingly easy if you have an 840+ raid.

My guild is shocking, we have about 50% of raids at 840 or more, and the other 50% are only 820ish.

Bloody casual gamers!
Hmm I might swap over to herb/alch then.

Found a bit of an odd problem, though sure I have missed something, I rolled a Draeni monk at lvl23 but run out of quests that I have found on Bloodmist Isle with no quest pointing me to the next area.

Its been ages since I rolled a new char, so just hope over to the next level zone and crack on or something else?

Also its sucks you can not send money to another toon on your account, have loads on my horde main, be nice to give some to alliance toon lol
Yes, have you tried LFR? I did for a laugh, and nobody needed to knwo the tactics at all.

This is true and not true, A few from my guild ran LFR, 2 of us were tanks so everything went smoothly on the tanking side of things. Whilst a few tactics are missing from LFR the ones that are still there hit like feathers, yet its still hilarious to watch people fail them.

i think fighting Nyth whilst swimming in rot was best. Or watching over half the raid stay in the eye. :P
This is true and not true, A few from my guild ran LFR, 2 of us were tanks so everything went smoothly on the tanking side of things. Whilst a few tactics are missing from LFR the ones that are still there hit like feathers, yet its still hilarious to watch people fail them.

i think fighting Nyth whilst swimming in rot was best. Or watching over half the raid stay in the eye. :P
Haha staying in the eye was amusing. Out of the full sized raid only 6 of us ran out.

Begs the question if people use DBM at all anymore. Second try went without a hitch of course. :)
I would love to get back into this game, but its not worth losing my family haha!

Crazy how much time this can suck from you.

My only hope is something as good is out when my 2 girls are old enough not to bother with me haha.
There's nothing wrong with that, i'm just saying that normal seems to have become the new LFR.

I see LFR is a bit pointless in this expansion as by the time it was released I was pretty much almost ready for HC EN just from gear from WQ/Mythic. Even Normal EN is pretty easy because of he higher gear going into it than previous expansions.
I have a lvl 50 druid I'm going to level as a Guardian. I've been Feral before but I fancy a change and I think levelling is going to be a bit slower but not too bothered. Is it worth purchasing heirlooms at this level? I don't do dungeons so no other way of getting them and I've got the gold to buy them.
I have a lvl 50 druid I'm going to level as a Guardian. I've been Feral before but I fancy a change and I think levelling is going to be a bit slower but not too bothered. Is it worth purchasing heirlooms at this level? I don't do dungeons so no other way of getting them and I've got the gold to buy them.

As a tank I'd say yes, you'll get a lot of groups and be able to power through the less relevant stuff.

I'd only not take a heirloom if it was my first character. :)
Also as Guardian, it may take longer to kill single mobs but you can round up 20 and kill them all.

TBH, I'm normally Feral for lvl'ing and Guard for instances/raids.
But in legion Guard all the time.
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