***World of Warcraft : Legion***

Anyone started the raids yet? Killed 5/7 tonight in just over 3 hours. xD

Elereth was the hardest yet, managed to 1 shot Nyth, Ursoc & Dragons.

Buzzed for the others tomorrow night, and hopefully we start our HC push too.
My understanding is that normal mode is a joke and HC isnt that much difficult either - watched Asmongold do a full clear on Normal with a pug earlier today - 1 shotting every boss (he was leading), so yeah.. doesnt sound that difficult.

Will probably dip my toes into LFR to see the story / if I cba at a later date, just not into raiding on WoW currently.
It's quite a nice raid, we also did the first 5 bosses last night. We're very much just an experienced group of players doing it a lot more casually now, but Cenarius just is not fun with all 5 DPS being melee, dem wisps. :D
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We did ok last night. With a vastly inexperienced raid team (minus 3-4) we one shot Nythendra, 2 wipes and then a kill on Elerethe and finally 7-8 wipes and then a kill on Il'gynoth.

Quite happy with day one :) Pretty sure we will clear Normal and make a start on Heroic this week. Can't really ask for much more.
Anyone started the raids yet? Killed 5/7 tonight in just over 3 hours. xD

Elereth was the hardest yet, managed to 1 shot Nyth, Ursoc & Dragons.

Buzzed for the others tomorrow night, and hopefully we start our HC push too.

Pretty much exactly what we did, we were struggling on the spider boss though. Took us a couple of attempts but really looking forward to finishing it on Sunday night.
Priest needs massive nerf,

im level 106 mage (fairly middling to bad fire mage i'll admit)
I was being far out dps'd by a 105 lower ilvl gear holy priest healer in the dungeon group:D

I was averaging about 55k dps he was averaging near 65 whilst healing the whole group, WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON.

Also 102 monk doing consistant 70-80k dps. I must be doing something badly wrong.

Sure he wasnt disc?
Heroic isn't really that difficult, we're 5/7 on HC. We had a few wipes here and there but that's pretty much down to some people going in blind.
I've hit 110 with my feral druid and now fancy doing a bit of time as a Guardian. There used to be dual specs but I belive this has now gone? If that's the case, can I just change my talents and crack on or will I need to quest for different armour and items and keep 2 sets?

Will I also have to start gathering artifact power again from scratch?
I think the main issue is people are going into the raids already kitted out in mythic dungeon gear which makes normal and heroic raids a lot easier than previous raids.
I've hit 110 with my feral druid and now fancy doing a bit of time as a Guardian. There used to be dual specs but I belive this has now gone? If that's the case, can I just change my talents and crack on or will I need to quest for different armour and items and keep 2 sets?

Will I also have to start gathering artifact power again from scratch?

You will indeed need to gather power again when you switch as the power invested is for that specific weapon.

I am going to assume you have done the quest line for the Guardian artifact weapon. When you press N to go to talents and change spec to Guardian it will automatically equip the correct artifact weapon for you. Artifact power gained when this weapon is equipped will be assigned to that weapon only. When you switch back to Feral the artifact power you previously added to the weapon will still be there.
Also Relics, you get 3 per weap (druid campaign quests to unlock last one) and they also up the ilvl of your specs artefact.

For Guardian, go up and along the top to Embrace the nightmare first.
I forgot to mention that the only real items you will have to hunt for now are ones that have slightly different secondary stats if your priorities between specs differ I.E None set items. Sets now change the primary stats and bonuses on them to suit your spec I.E the primary stat changes from Agi to Int if you switch from Feral to Boomkin
Are Shamans any good in Legion? Got a lvl 100 Enhancement shaman worth staying as that or swap over to Ele?

Or ditch shaman and go get another class?
All shaman specs are viable, most are playing enhancement atm as it was clearly the top performing between it and ele, however theres more buffs due next week


Mastery effects increased by 12.5%.
Chain Lightning Maelstrom generation increased to 6.
Lightning Bolt (Elemental) damage increased by 23%.
Chain Lightning (Elemental) damage increased by 23%.
Lava Burst damage increased by 5%.
Storm Elemental (Talent)’s Call Lightning and Wind Gust damage increased by 20%.

Fixed a bug that gave offhand special attacks a 100% chance to activate Windfury while Doom Winds was active.
Windfury activation chance increased to 20%.
Note: We’re fixing a bug that added multiple extra Windfury procs to each activation of Doom Winds, but adding some Windfury procs back by increasing the baseline activation chance. This should also improve Maelstrom generation outside of Doom Winds.

Chain Lightning (Restoration) damage increased by 23%.
Who's cleared emerald nightmare on normal? As above Wednesday we had such a good day clears 5/7 3 bosses we one shot. Come Thursday we killed Cenarius 2nd time. Xavius we spent just over two hours on and he still isn't down. Anyone got any tips? We got stage 1 down to a t but stage 2 is proving impossible.
All shaman specs are viable, most are playing enhancement atm as it was clearly the top performing between it and ele, however theres more buffs due next week

Thanks for that.

Though while waiting for payday to get legion rolled a Dreani monk and have to say really enjoying the Monk class
What's the best way to make gold in Legion at the moment? I have herbalism and skinning both at 800 but not making much money (or not doing it right!).
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