Anyone started the raids yet? Killed 5/7 tonight in just over 3 hours. xD
Elereth was the hardest yet, managed to 1 shot Nyth, Ursoc & Dragons.
Buzzed for the others tomorrow night, and hopefully we start our HC push too.
Priest needs massive nerf,
im level 106 mage (fairly middling to bad fire mage i'll admit)
I was being far out dps'd by a 105 lower ilvl gear holy priest healer in the dungeon group
I was averaging about 55k dps he was averaging near 65 whilst healing the whole group, WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON.
Also 102 monk doing consistant 70-80k dps. I must be doing something badly wrong.
I've hit 110 with my feral druid and now fancy doing a bit of time as a Guardian. There used to be dual specs but I belive this has now gone? If that's the case, can I just change my talents and crack on or will I need to quest for different armour and items and keep 2 sets?
Will I also have to start gathering artifact power again from scratch?
Mastery effects increased by 12.5%.
Chain Lightning Maelstrom generation increased to 6.
Lightning Bolt (Elemental) damage increased by 23%.
Chain Lightning (Elemental) damage increased by 23%.
Lava Burst damage increased by 5%.
Storm Elemental (Talent)’s Call Lightning and Wind Gust damage increased by 20%.
Fixed a bug that gave offhand special attacks a 100% chance to activate Windfury while Doom Winds was active.
Windfury activation chance increased to 20%.
Note: We’re fixing a bug that added multiple extra Windfury procs to each activation of Doom Winds, but adding some Windfury procs back by increasing the baseline activation chance. This should also improve Maelstrom generation outside of Doom Winds.
Chain Lightning (Restoration) damage increased by 23%.
All shaman specs are viable, most are playing enhancement atm as it was clearly the top performing between it and ele, however theres more buffs due next week