***World of Warcraft : Legion***

I did a format and reinstall of Windows over the Christmas period, but for some reason WoW seems to be running slightly worse then usual.

Here's some pics of my settings



Specs of my machine is -
i7 930 2.80 overclocked to 4ghz
12gb RAM
Nvidia 970

What are the best settings to lower to get a FPS boost without affecting the graphics quality too much?
Set Render Scale to 100%, I'd turn down Environment Detail to 7 as well. Absolutely no benefit of having it as 10.
Been playing solo but need to join a guild to get in to some Mythic+ dungeons to complete the suramar quest line, Any one in a decent guild that does mythic runs ?

Currently on Silvermoon but can change realms
I play on alliance Ravencrest Server Beurun is my name is anyone is about. I am around 864 ilevel so up for doing some mythics and whatever.
Level 15 now, getting the gold and levelling for a mount at Darnassus.

Night Elf. Need to rebuy expansion packs I think.. Although my account says Draenor I certainly haven't got it. I logged into battle.net and upgraded my starter account with the game and time package.
Level 15 now, getting the gold and levelling for a mount at Darnassus.

Night Elf. Need to rebuy expansion packs I think.. Although my account says Draenor I certainly haven't got it. I logged into battle.net and upgraded my starter account with the game and time package.

You get all the expansions free just not legion :)
Love the demon hunter class (even if they are a tad squishy), I just wish I had more people to play with, solo player at the moment and it does get tedious running with randoms.

I love my DH as well and did find it squishy, but I took leech when in demon form and that seems good, i pop it when nearly dead so every attack heals me, so in effect I double my health pool :)

Got my first legendary today after opening my 4th emis cache lol. Just the kil jaden trinket. Hate how u can't use it in BG PvP.
I play on alliance Ravencrest Server Beurun is my name is anyone is about. I am around 864 ilevel so up for doing some mythics and whatever.
I'm on Ravencrest as Alliance but I don't really do M+, pretty much just log in to raid atm but might play a bit more next week when Nighthold drops.
I'm on Ravencrest as Alliance but I don't really do M+, pretty much just log in to raid atm but might play a bit more next week when Nighthold drops.

Ok hit me up mate I am just trying to get somewhere and enjoy the content as it drops and is new. Would like to have some people to play with.
Can't wait to get a legendary anytime soonish.
PS: Did you guys notice that playing 4k wow on ultra+cmaa +msaa+ everything else on advanced gives you instead of 100fps, about 20-30maybe? I'm currently using titan x pascal.
I am thinking of getting Legion tonight, is it still worth adding any mods or is it set up well enough now to not them any more and if so any suggestions, not played it in a few years.

You can play it without mods but I feel you will get more out of the game if you install some, a lot of them are QoL type things.

I'm falling so far behind my friends because I just don't have the time to play. They're 880+ with multiple legendaries across their toons (both have 2 on their mains) and I'm still stuck at 868 with 1 bad legendary. I'm loving the game but I can't keep up with them and am having to play a lot on my own.

I know that's the nature of MMOs, the more you play the more you get out of it.
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