** World of Warcraft: Mists Of Pandaria - Available to Pre Order for £24.95 + COLLECTORS EDITION AVA

Looks like OcUK didn't keep up their end of the bargain then, they hinted they would be posting out Saturday so that people would receive on the Monday so they could be playing at midnight, that obviously isn't going to happen, glad I went digital and didn't trust OcUK.

Digital copies are a good idea of your only after one, but myself i need 4 copies so that's a£20 saving, its going to cause me hell though of their not here by the time my kids get home from schools.
Knowing dpd it will be about 5 o clock when they normally get round to me.:mad:

Really wanted to play on release since it's the first expansion I've had the chance to. I just hope DPD don't put me for the 5pm delivery =/
yup 4 copies shipped, its all down to DPD now to get them to me before the kids get home from school tomorrow and start complaining like hell.
Same, just hoping mine turns up tomorrow morning. Next time I won't be pre-ordering with you guys, all that hinting then zilch. Meanwhile people are getting their copies today, ready for the midnight release.

Ah well, looks like it'll be another couple years before I get to be there at launch =/
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If we look at this thread with RJK wanting to say certain things but obviously being held back by certain agreements which forbid him to do so and we look at the dates involved we should have seen how this was going to turn out.
The game will be available to play as soon as the servers come on line after midnight Monday, so realistically sometime Tuesday morning. So for OCUK to get this expansion out to us in time they would have had to ship either Friday or Saturday, Saturday of course costing a premium from the shipping company so realistically that counts that out and Friday well that could be 4 days before hand if you were to walk into the shop to get it.

Blizzard and the distributors must work it out so that the what i can only assume must be several pallets full of the expansion arrives at the shop with no option but to only be able to ship the day before release.

What it all boils down to is that RJK did what he does so well, sold us a product that we wanted and are more than happy to buy, did he do wrong, no of course not. I expect he would have been happy to send them out earlier if it was possible but with distribution deliveries and street date agreements etc it just wasn't possible.

In the end thank you OCUK for saving me £20 on my 4 copies of &bucket :D as my son has been calling it.

This is not meant as a moan, just a little clarification for those of us who might be a wee bit peeved as to the way things have turned out.

PS. one thing I did notice RJK you said this was special preorder pricing and yet now you have them listed normally for the same price.
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its not really the retailers fault though, its whoever sets the release date on the 25th and then opens the servers on the 24th. Seeing as you can't even use the expansion until the servers are ready there is no reason for the release date to match up with the opening date.

It would save a lot of annoyance if they released the boxed versions of the game a week early.
Order Status: Printed in our warehouse

What does that mean? Are you allowed to RMA pc games as long as they are unopened? Will just buy digital tomorrow if it doesn't arrive.

edit: Woo, dispatch email!
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To be fair to OCuk

I pre-ordered in July, I got a CE copy from supplier G and one from the rain forest. (OCuk did not have ce available then)

For cata, Rainforest delivered the day before and Supplier G arrived the morning of release.

This year Rainforest wrote an email saying due to publisher restrictions they also will be dispatching for release day rather than before.
its not really the retailers fault though, its whoever sets the release date on the 25th and then opens the servers on the 24th. Seeing as you can't even use the expansion until the servers are ready there is no reason for the release date to match up with the opening date.

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