** World of Warcraft: Mists Of Pandaria - Available to Pre Order for £24.95 + COLLECTORS EDITION AVA

Must be some reason WOW has blown every mom out of the water, just ordered I'm a casual player so in no rush for it but worth it to save a fiver. Given how must released moms have turned into f2p and the latest has not even been out out 9 months before moving to a mix of f2p/paid shows what the market is like.
I was expecting someone to ask that. I admit I was addicted to the game for a long time and hoped things would get better. I haven't played in almost a year now and I'll not be going back.

It's hard to leave people you've known for a long time behind, I played in a UK top 50 guild since launch until about 18 months ago, my character had virtually every achievement in the game.

For me it wasn't even the time involved that was the problem, it was Blizzard's obsession with making the game easier for casual players and therefore less rewarding for those seeking to be the best.
It's hard to leave people you've known for a long time behind, I played in a UK top 50 guild since launch until about 18 months ago, my character had virtually every achievement in the game.

For me it wasn't even the time involved that was the problem, it was Blizzard's obsession with making the game easier for casual players and therefore less rewarding for those seeking to be the best.

I'd agree with what you said too man. I made a lot of online friends on WoW and it wasn't easy to turn around and say so long everyone.. I spent 6 months logging on to chat. In the end I didn't feel the game could offer me anything more than a chat window :( Part of that was for the same reason you said - it became far too easy. The hold your hand tutorials are really cringe worthy bad, and it's almost impossible to have any sense of individuality when everyone is running around with the same gear and abilities. Everything has been simplified to the point it's become apparent you create a character to then join a rat race.
we will be allocated some yes. haven't been told final figures yet though so it is looking likely we will just list it on launch date/day before as stock is too limited to list for general sale.

How much will the collectors edition be ?

Just pre ordered..this seems a really good price and I always like the physical disc rather than this digital download lark-especially with my slightly crappy net connection :)
Anyone else had an email offering the digital download for US6.99? I would say fishing but given they just lost a million players...

Edit lol looks authentic -http://us.betle.net.login.wow.beta.creation.managemenit.com/llogin
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Ah if I could preorder the collectors from OCUk I definately would do so! (but I would need to be garunteed a collectors edition else Id be late to play and wheres the fun in that?)
I'm a casual I try to get into the hardcore endgame stuff but really cant be bothered with the grind for the awesome gear needed. I will be honest and say I really like just mucking about for a few hours a night leveling in the different areas its a relaxing game when I dont want to rageface at fps im looking forward to starting a new panda but only if guild wars 2 doesn't live up to my expectations.
I didn't start until 2008 where i played for 6 months, gave up for 2 years, played for 6 months then gave up again for 18 months. Only been playing cata for about 2 months. I'm not looking forward to the release as what I read the game gets hammered for several months :(

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