World Trade Center Dust Contains Evidence of Explosives

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Thought some might find this interesting -

A group of scientists have published their results into a peer reviewed journal, Open Chemical Physics Journal, stating that within the debris of the WTC, they have found evidence of a "highly engineered explosive".

The papers abstract read, “We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we have studied of the dust produced by the destruction of the World Trade Center.”

Their analysis claims to show "active thermitic material" known as "nanostructured super-thermite." Thermite is used in demolition, hand grenades, welding and fireworks. It known for creating a chemical reaction that creates very high temperatures.
REgular stuff

Still stuff you would find in an urban environment.

Fair enough

End Quote---
Well you didn't exaclty make that clear when you simply posted the article and made a statement that some might find it interesting.

I think a lot found it interesting because it went to 6 pages and made for good debate to put the CT'ers to bed (although this won't happen).
This is from another forum but just about sums up my feelings -

"Just to finish off, the US government couldn't keep the fact that Bill Clinton banged his secretary a secret, let alone this sort of rubbish. How many people would needed to have been involved? A lot. We live in a media age, an age where the internet will spread real evidence in a matter of hours to 100,000's of users. But there is no real evidence, just planks like Michael Moore with their tinfoil hat on".
Would it be so hard for a government agency to fake up some people even fake whole families for the reports?

I don't know the figures here but lets say there were a total of 4 x 100 passengers on each plane, that's 400 families who the Government have made up who all attended funerals and spoke to papers, TV & radio.
These were real people who spoke to the media and I reckon at least one of these actors would have slipped up by now.

That really is the most pathetic one I've heard to be honest.
i agree, lock thread tbh, it serves no purpose.

Yes it does, it serves the purpose to read some of the crazy stuff these people believe.
If one of them can go away and think 'Oh yeah, I see that now' then we have done a good job.
These threads are always the best part of GD because all you'd have left is watch threads, my girlfriend has left me threads and I've got more money than you threads.
Thats the problem with many of the people in this and other threads, you don't seem to have the either the experience or the imagination of what alternatives there are out there.

For obvious reasons I can't go into detail but as someone who formely worked in R&D for companies like SCRDE, etc. I'm aware of plenty of technology and techniques that are years ahead of public domain, leading me to believe that many things potentially could have happened that day that would be outside of the experience of the general public to imagine.

And I'll say it again... I'm not saying events that day were anything other than what they appeared to be on the face of it, just that its entirely possible that events that day were purposefully engineered by a different party.

1 - The old chestnut, we're not clever enough because we can't see alternatives

2 - Are you Sequoia or Harley?

3 - Anyway, if it was man and a load of robots then I might agree with you but since this conspiracy would involve human beings (lots of them) then it would be impossible.
I'm not saying anyone isn't clever enough, I do see a lot of closed minded people or people so conditioned by society that they appear to be incapable of believing anything could happen in any other way except exactly how the authorities tell them things are possible.

Me & plenty of others on here, will watch and read the stuff that is posted, we will then look at the evidence and then make our minds up.
It is people like you who have no evidence and your theories get wilder & wilder.
What evidence do you have for this? not even CT people come up with this. .

But don't forget this little gem -

For obvious reasons I can't go into detail but as someone who formely worked in R&D for companies like SCRDE, etc. I'm aware of plenty of technology and techniques that are years ahead of public domain, leading me to believe that many things potentially could have happened that day that would be outside of the experience of the general public to imagine.

Basically we are not clever enough.

Anyway, I'm still waiting for these examples Rfoff
Passports are relatively light, high surface area objects, they can/do get thrown/blown clear during the initial impact.
It's not uncommon for them to survive major impacts, and the subsequent fires because of that, same with various other papers/books etc.

In 1979 I was on a campsite in the South Of France and around 30 tents got destroyed by fire.
When we checked through the remains virtually everybody found their passports & money intact.
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