I truely hate the UK`s overcast rainy climate but hell does it beat having extreme storms.

165mph wind would put an 18st Rugby player on the behind
Live stream from Reed Timmer driving around in Houma which is pretty close to where the the eye of the storm will pass over:

Apparently the winds are currently gusting at around 80-90MPH, but he's anticipating sustained 140-150MPH once the eye-wall is right on top with potential gusts up to 180MPH in about an hour. Just a warning that he will get excitable and loud in the usual American way once things kick off good and proper.
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I truely hate the UK`s overcast rainy climate but hell does it beat having extreme storms.
seems exaggerated, often when I was in switzerland it would constantly rain for a week without stopping during the winter months

over here in the UK if it rains it's probably not constant throughout the whole day and night
Traditional season is April-June, but they can experience an autumn season too, albeit usually on a much shorter scale, and often not quite so late as December IIRC.
seems exaggerated, often when I was in switzerland it would constantly rain for a week without stopping during the winter months

over here in the UK if it rains it's probably not constant throughout the whole day and night

The most memorable description of the weather in the UK that I've seen came from a person visiting from California who seemed genuinely surprised when they said "I've been here a day and a half and it's rained 6 times".

I agree - the UK has lovely weather. It hardly ever kills anyone. A little tornado that killed no-one and did a small amount of localised damage in Birmingham a few decades ago was a once in a century national front page news story. Meanwhile in other parts of the world every year they have tornadoes that leave towns looking like the aftermath of a determined bombing run and dozens of people dead even though the area is prepared for tornadoes.
The most memorable description of the weather in the UK that I've seen came from a person visiting from California who seemed genuinely surprised when they said "I've been here a day and a half and it's rained 6 times".

I agree - the UK has lovely weather. It hardly ever kills anyone. A little tornado that killed no-one and did a small amount of localised damage in Birmingham a few decades ago was a once in a century national front page news story. Meanwhile in other parts of the world every year they have tornadoes that leave towns looking like the aftermath of a determined bombing run and dozens of people dead even though the area is prepared for tornadoes.

I always put the view that the UK has just about the best weather in the world. It rarely gets that hot or that cold. It rains in moderation. Snow is infrequent and generally light.

You have to love a country where you can wear the same clothes outside, 350 days a year, without too much discomfort.
The most memorable description of the weather in the UK that I've seen came from a person visiting from California who seemed genuinely surprised when they said "I've been here a day and a half and it's rained 6 times".

I agree - the UK has lovely weather. It hardly ever kills anyone. A little tornado that killed no-one and did a small amount of localised damage in Birmingham a few decades ago was a once in a century national front page news story. Meanwhile in other parts of the world every year they have tornadoes that leave towns looking like the aftermath of a determined bombing run and dozens of people dead even though the area is prepared for tornadoes.
we need another
The Church of England declared that the storm was God's vengeance for the sins of the nation.

freak storms used to be god, now it's climate change our new god
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