Ticketmaster call centre. I was supposed to average 3 minutes per call or less despite having to help people choose which seats they wanted, taking a payment and full address and then offering them other tickets/promotions.
You'd get people ringing you up saying "I'm visiting London, what tickets have you got for things going on in London" (The answer is about 700 events/places). Then you basically have to persuade them to do something you just picked at random because your call stats for the whole week will be screwed if you take them through even 5% of the options, each with multiple ticket types and a million combinations of seating options.
They designed the desks with high zig-zag partitions so you can't see anyone else while you work even though there are 300 other people on the open plan floor with you. Every now and again some one would phone through telling you they are in 'quality control' and they have been listening to your last 3-4 calls and asking you patronising open ended questions about how you could have done better.
You swipe your card and get into the building, sit at any free desk, login (if the computer is working) and then calls automatically come through to your headset. When the customer hangs up the next call comes through, nothing you can do to stop it apart from press a button for taking your break so if something needs sorting out or the system is playing up it comes out of your break time.
When I decided to quit (in the middle of my shift to avoid going on a rampage of hate and frustration before throwing myself out of the window) I had to search around for someone who might know what the procedure was for resigning but no-one knew and no-one could point me to anyone who'd been there for more than 3 months. I never met my 'team leader', I'm not sure he even existed.