Worth getting an iPhone now?

I'm in the same dilema, want a iPhone now because my k820i is a price of junk and will be thrown against a wall very soon... But my orange contract is not up till august.

Big change will be 32GB versions available, also beta 3.0 software seem to imply there might be video recording on the new model. Video is not so important for me but 32GB would be sweet (and probably quite expensive!).

I'm sure we all know it's pointless to wait for the next big thing but the new iphone is close enough to hang on till summer I think.
Picked up my iphone 8gb last night and not regretting it so far :)

Shame it took over an hour to buy at Apple! ..Dawm o2 refusing my top ups!
Not worth getting into a new contract at the moment imo.

However, I have just picked up a 3G second hand to use with a simplicity sim & the cost to change after selling my 1st gen touch was only £100. £20 a month rolling monthly contract 600 mins, 1200 texts & unlimited web is pretty good.

Should also be easy enough to sell the 3G if & when a new one is released as the 3.0 firmware will be applicable, unlike the 2G which will lose a lot of value I would imagine.

Also, I will want a PAYG when the new one is released & would imagine that will take a while before that is readily available.

Plus I hate waiting ;)
As with almost all Apple hardware:

1. Never buy a first generation version of a product

2. Buy it as soon as they release an update (so you have maximum "new" time)

Whens the best time to sell my Iphone 3G to get as most money as possible - but not be that long without a Iphone and get the new one? Argh sooo many issues.
I've been offered a 4 month old iphone 3G unloked for 150 quid - is this a good deal?

Thats a bargain to say the least. The 2g ones are still fetching arund £200 on the bay.

Mine went up yesterday, getting the new 3g through work so no point having 2 of the things. some guy offered me £160 but I declined. might as well see what it gets.
Good grief i'll grab hold of that then. I'll probably only have it for a few months till something new comes out.
Planning on finding a way to upgrade to the new'en should a new one be released.

Kinda hoping the new one will fit in my same RebelSerpent case, doubtful though. :(.
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