You dont want much? Lol its more than acceptable to want those things, especially dead pixels...Mine (So far) Appears to be a lazy stuck the pixel was stuck on RED for about a week, with another really light blue one below it (But only visable at some stupid angle by breaking my neck
So far, its died down a lot...amost invisable to any normal person, its only visable, if i point at it, or put my head 2 inches from the screen...but as i know its there, i can see it, any ther person probably wouldnt...
Basically one evening i just tapped the screen (After trying it loads a week ago...) then it just...faded out, n back in, then eventually it just faded down to what it is now...which is good for me...Just annoying the fact the way the company has treated me lol
But i do recommend this TFT...Its the View sonic vx922, its very nice i must say, and im rather picky...ive played Doom3:Res of evil so far, (Just to try and like...Fix the pixel when i first got it..) At a res of 800x600 (As my systems rahther poor currently
And i was happy with it
All i can say is, before you buy one, check the manufacturers pixel policy, the websites policy, then ways of returning the product if your not happy with it, and of course order it from a reliable site