Worth upgrading

A.N.Other said:
I really don't think you need to upgrade that PC! :rolleyes:

wel ill have t think bout it because i got people how want the stuff i got in it now so y not i think mmmmmmmmmm nice new fx62 and 7950 lol
The dual channel problem can happen with certain sticks with certain boards, some boards dont like some memory, i can't see it being likely the slots purely just broke and nothing else if there was a problem. Generally from what i know, if something breaks, it doesnt just partially break, or if it does its rare, if you blow something it blows properly and its quite apparent.

Try 1 stick in 1 slot you think is broken, but before you do that go into the bios and bring down the timings on the memory a notch.

Then add the other in, and try again..........

There's just too many things you could try, i can't say i'm convinced its broken. Can you remember what you changed last time you attempted to OC.
kinggost said:
wel ill have t think bout it because i got people how want the stuff i got in it now so y not i think mmmmmmmmmm nice new fx62 and 7950 lol

my god I would now wait untill conroe mate and get the extreme edition... I'm sure it can burn a hole in your pocket a little longer... the only that is ;)

Nice system, throwing money just to "upgrade" to a slightly better system...buy a FG Marder instead :p

If it's sluggish, do a fresh install and at least overclock the CPU, then do service disabling, and other windows tweaks...see sig, running off stock CPU HSF, bit warm now but still within safe limits
t31os said:
The dual channel problem can happen with certain sticks with certain boards, some boards dont like some memory, i can't see it being likely the slots purely just broke and nothing else if there was a problem. Generally from what i know, if something breaks, it doesnt just partially break, or if it does its rare, if you blow something it blows properly and its quite apparent.

Try 1 stick in 1 slot you think is broken, but before you do that go into the bios and bring down the timings on the memory a notch.

Then add the other in, and try again..........

There's just too many things you could try, i can't say i'm convinced its broken. Can you remember what you changed last time you attempted to OC.

Ive tryed one stick the only was it works is if i put two sicks in dimms on the left of the bord. They only broke when i tryed overclocking for sum reason but never mind ill send the bord back some time.
I heard the quad SLI drivers won't be out until the end of summer, so you'll be sitting with an expensive paperweight for a while ;)

By which time Conroe should be kicking, and you may want to see the performance it offers before jumping on an upgrade bandwagon. :)
Dave said:
I heard the quad SLI drivers won't be out until the end of summer, so you'll be sitting with an expensive paperweight for a while ;)

By which time Conroe should be kicking, and you may want to see the performance it offers before jumping on an upgrade bandwagon. :)

Have you got any info on conroe because i have heard loads about it but dont know any thing about it. Will it be intel or amd.
kinggost said:
Lol why you say that

because i have a x4400 and only a single 7800GTX.. i don't find my system at all sluggish.. :confused:

Are you sure you just don't need to perform a few housekeeping exercises.. i do mine at least once a week.. and defrag ever 6 months.

failing that, you have a problem somewhere.. That's a nice rig you have.. should punch lights on most systems :)
kinggost said:
Have you got any info on conroe because i have heard loads about it but dont know any thing about it. Will it be intel or amd.

Conroe is the next gen Intel processor and early indications are promising.

I'm probably not the person to ask on it as at the moment I'm more interested in guitars, drums and cymbals ;)
Admiral Huddy said:
because i have a x4400 and only a single 7800GTX.. i don't find my system at all sluggish.. :confused:

Are you sure you just don't need to perform a few housekeeping exercises.. i do mine at least once a week.. and defrag ever 6 months.

failing that, you have a problem somewhere.. That's a nice rig you have.. should punch lights on most systems :)

what monitor do you have
Seriously if you have 2.5K to chuck at a PC then wait for Conroe. For the next year at least it is going to be the fastest thing on the market.

Your current rig is not too dissimilar to my own and I just don't understand how it can be sluggish.

As already said you can overclock the bejesus out of that 4400+ with your setup.

I just think you need to do a nice fresh Windows install. Here is a great video for the best way of setting up drivers and doing tweaks just after an install of XP. http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=34836

With that and some other tweaks using TweakXP and following some of the guides on www.tweakguides.com you should have a super fast system.

Personally I would rather spend a weekend getting Windows and drivers just right than blowing 2.5K on a system that really is pointless. Two of the 7950 GX2?? You would need a Dell 30" monster before you even started seeing ANY benefit and even then its probably not worth the 800+ quid for the cards and the 1.1K for the screen.

Going for a faster CPU will increase performance, but again it is the lazy more expensive way of making your PC less sluggish. Either overclock, do some housekeeping or both and I think you will be rather pleased with the results. It wont cost anything more than a bit of free time.

look everyone, stop going mental. the only reason hes upgrading is because he has a large dell LCD screen, its understandable he would need o upgrade his graphics cards a lot to play everything on max at such high resolution.

anyway heres my 2p: i'm not sure if you use a lot of AF and AA , but it might be beneficial to swap those 7800gtx's for 2 1900xt-x's and see what differance there is. they should perform better at higher resolutions if i remember correctly.
GAMEfreak said:
look everyone, stop going mental. the only reason hes upgrading is because he has a large dell LCD screen, its understandable he would need o upgrade his graphics cards a lot to play everything on max at such high resolution.

anyway heres my 2p: i'm not sure if you use a lot of AF and AA , but it might be beneficial to swap those 7800gtx's for 2 1900xt-x's and see what differance there is. they should perform better at higher resolutions if i remember correctly.

Oh relax dude, only trying to stop him wasting 2.5K on something he really doesn't need :)

SiriusB said:
Oh relax dude, only trying to stop him wasting 2.5K on something he really doesn't need :)


some people wish bout havin money to spend lol and i want to blow 2.5k and i can see your point. Ill prob wait around for conroe then and blow more
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