Would these components work well together (turntable/speaker/amp)?


Well, keep the suggestions coming I guess. I'd really like to get both speaker and amp at £550 max tbh. It has to be available online. I'm open to getting the very best pairing for the budget and will wait until that suggestion has been put down! I can't really get down during the day as I'm working and I see the kids at the weekend so not really wanting to faff about in a Hi-Fi shop!
It has to be available online. I'm open to getting the very best pairing for the budget....
How very gracious of you. Should we bow and scrape now or later? :p

...and will wait until that suggestion has been put down!
Well then, you'll be waiting a very very long time then. Ha-Ha-Ha :D

All joking aside, Hi-Fi doesn't work in such fixed terms. It's as particular to each person as what we like to eat, or the clothes we wear, or the car we drive. Sure, we can put down some common choices that take you in this or that general direction, but none of us is you and hearing sound the way that you do, so we can't be the arbiters of your final selection and expect it to tick all your boxes. For that reason alone there is no single "very best " selection at any sensible price point.

When you think about it, each and every one of us has our own version of what we think of as 'good sound'. Even that is contentious though. For some it's simply more: More treble, more bass, more volume. The sound might not be that faithful a reproduction of the recording, but that type of listener is looking for something different. For other people 'better ' might be the ability of higher quality gear to create a more defined stereo image with depth as well as width. Another take on 'better ' is harder to pin down with adjectives but it's a sense of timing and hearing the way the players interact.

Finding what better, or even just good enough means to you in terms of sound is why you definitely should take an hour to set up an appointment to listen to some gear. A good dealer will help you home in on the gear that suits your preferences. A really good dealer might even open your ears to new aspects of sound that help you get more from your music.
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