Would you eat it ? Lab grown meat

For animal welfare issues.
Thankfully it is the future.
Imagine the environmental, animal walfare benefits if animal farming vanished.
Yeah why not? Unless there’s a risk of Zombieland coming true from eating it.
For animal welfare issues.
Thankfully it is the future.
Imagine the environmental, animal welfare benefits if animal farming vanished.
I'll say it cos I say it every time this thread comes up but "Animals" agricultural breeds would simply cease to exist after a year or 2. Maybe a few thousand kept in museums or by governments for when it all goes wrong :p
It's a weird argument to say their welfare is better because they don't exist.
Maybe we should do the same with people, Austrian painter under tones...
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I'll say it cos I say it every time this thread comes up but "Animals" agricultural breeds would simply cease to exist after a year or 2. Maybe a few thousand kept in museums or by governments for when it all goes wrong :p
We should release them into the wild and have cows wandering around London like in India :D.
I'll say it cos I say it every time this thread comes up but "Animals" agricultural breeds would simply cease to exist after a year or 2. Maybe a few thousand kept in museums or by governments for when it all goes wrong :p
It's a weird argument to say their welfare is better because they don't exist.
Maybe we should do the same with people, Austrian painter under tones...
And a good thing it is too!
my understanding of lab grown meat is its the same.

as long as the taste and diatry details are the same, protiens fats etc then I see no reason not to at least try it.

now wheres my star trek replicator?
I'd eat both. Lab grown for pies, curries, stuff like that. Real meat for steak etc as I reckon you'll still be able to tell the difference.
Im a vegetarian but if I wasnt I would eat this for sure. Why not? No animals harmed in its production is surely an amazing thing.

The reason I wouldn't eat it now is because it would likely make me very ill due to gut biome changes being vegetarian for 10+ years.
I'll say it cos I say it every time this thread comes up but "Animals" agricultural breeds would simply cease to exist after a year or 2. Maybe a few thousand kept in museums or by governments for when it all goes wrong :p
It's a weird argument to say their welfare is better because they don't exist.
Maybe we should do the same with people, Austrian painter under tones...
Not sure you can compare holocaust to simply moving away from eating livestock, those animals only purpose for existance is for human consumption, they've been bred through years of genetic breeding to create the perfect specimen for produce, is it really that bad if they cease to exist when they wouldn't exist in their current form without our meddling anyway ? Nothing is really "natural" about them apart from the fact they are alive
I've already had a bash at some of the recipes based on food descriptions from things like The Expanse and Cyberpunk 2077, and they were pretty fun so I'd be up for this.
Which ones did you try?

As for the topic at hand. Only if it’s cheap though something tells me this will be less nutrient and tasty than actual meat

Edit: they will probably start mixing this stuff into cheap cuts of meat and fast food.
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If it's safe, tastes the same and is environmentally beneficial - sure.

End product with or without slaughter, I'd obviously go for the without option.
It's gona have a real struggle taking off. The big farming conglomerates in the US have paid a lot of Red state senators to ban it. Once again like oil, greed will win over necessity.
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