Hey folks;
Right heres the scenario,
I've just been to a job agency as the guy wanted to see/register me before putting me forward to a job vacancy he had found.
So I went there today, and they are based in a big building, with another company, the first sight I saw was literally (IMO) one of the nicest girls EVER on reception! Probably about the same age as me.
I did the usual sign in thing, and waited around, and she had a call, in which she gave her email address out... To get something sent to her from a colleague.
Being the secret agent that I am, put the email address in my phone discreetly
lolthis surely isn't against data protection as I don't work there! And she spoke it out!
She was then laughing and joking with another lady colleague on reception who had come to replace her (for lunch I reckon). About what they were gonna do at the weekend etc.
You may ask how I know all this...Well I was standing around bored for 5 minutes in the immediate vicinity so it would be rude not to listen!
The question is;
Would you email her? Should I do it...? She is so so nice! But what could I even say!?
It's highly embaressing, but the chances are i'll never see her again otherwise so surely nothing to loose?
What do I do! Argh!