I wouldn't worry about the cows etc. after all it's a context shot, so you want to add atmosphere. Although by the original crop you wouldn't get that impression.
The picture itself is ok, not great, but will do the job when combined with others.
The biggest problem I see is the look or the processing of the image and maybe the file quality, unless you just saved it at a low quality.
It's not particularly bad, but it reminds me of the result you would get from a half decent P&S.
It looks like you have either cropped allot, or you were shooting at F22. It has a muddy/smudgy look to it that's been sharpened yet lacks crispness, akin to a crop sensor body with a strong AA filter.
Are you shooting jpg or raw?
With a natural processing style, sub par file quality is less forgiveable.
Had a little play in LR...