Would you go on a date with yourself?

I remember reading this when it was first posted, and being too awestruck to reply. Bravo.

To the topic, maybe, because while I think i'm an interesting first date, I also know what a **** I become down the line, so maybe i'd know better than to even start with me. But being me, I don't know if that would stop me. Hm.
[FnG]magnolia;22105184 said:
So, moving the thread into an easier to respond to direction, I ask you, GD ubermensch, if you would date yourself. Where would you take yourself? What would you do? Would you kiss yourself at the end of the night? How long would you wait to call yourself? What would you wear?

Surely this is irrelevant, it's me right? We'd stay in, order pizza and play LAN games; the competition would be intense. The bill for the pizza would be split based on the number of slices we each ate, the only technically astute way to do it. I'd wear whatever the hell I felt, although I'll concede there is a strong chance we'd both end up wearing the same, it's hard to imagine how this would matter.
I take it everyone else was also mentally reading thta in the voice of Morgan Freeman?

As to the OP, no, I am a disgusting pervert with the sense of humour of a five year old.
Thread nerco? Ahh well, it is a good one.

My date would end up with me friend zoning myself, not in a bad way because we'd end up trying to make some awesome electronics projects work. Then we'd get ****ed off just watching the soldering. Note to self, buy two of every tool.
I would date myself, and say that everything will be alright.

I would also say to myself you wasted all those years consumed by anxiety. Sadly I can't have those years back, so must press on.
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Awesome comic Bennie :D

A date with myself would end badly. I would egg myself on to have another beer and then there would be two large hairy blokes asleep under the table. Not romantic.
Magnolia - reading your OP again... are you seeking to confirm a theory you have that a lot of people on here are unhappy with themselves, and your way of testing self esteem is to ask this question? Theorising that the people who are unhappy will have low self esteem and wouldn't date themselves?

On the other hand, people with low self-esteem might have lower standards and thus would agree to date themselves.

I think I would date myself, should be a good match, similar interests, not out of my league etc. I say this slightly tongue in cheek but having a partner of the same intelligence would probably start to irk after a while (we'd both have some sort of superiority complex and would be disappointed to find ourselves equal).
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