Would you have the guts/dishonour to go through with this ...

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10 Dec 2008
I was walking through Sutton high street about 4 weeks ago and got stopped by someone to answer a questionnaire - she didn't identify why or who the data would be sold to. I thought for the first time in my life 'You know, for a change, I'm actually gonna do this'

Now the very first questions started getting on my nerves as they were asking too personal stuff, as they started talking about my income etc' So I decided to give out silly answers (lies) basically for the lolz rather than just walk away:

'How much do you earn?'
'£175,000 before bonus'

'How many houses do you own'
'8, including 2 in Monaco'

'How often do you change your car?'
'Every 6 weeks'

'How many cars do you have?

You get the idea.

Thought nothing of it. Was amazed as she kept diligently writing whatever I spouted on to her official bit of paper.

So, forward 4 weeks, just 10 minutes ago I get a phone call [paraphrased]:

'Hello Sir, this is Adam from the Bentley garage, we'd like to invite you to spend a free day test driving our latest models including our latest Continental Supersports. We will pick you up from your house at a time of your choosing, let you drive any Bentley we have, throw in lunch, then whenever you want we'll give you a lift back home - simple as that, as we want to 'foster a client relationship' with you.'

!! WHOA !!

That car alone is > £200,000!!

So, you can probably guess my dilemma (I said I'd call them back). I lied like a trooper on the questionnaire just to see if pretty girl would call me on it, she didn't. Shall I get Bentley to pick me up from my fairly squalid terraced house for a day panning their super-cars?

Basically - would you have the minerals to go through with it including making up some reason why there arn't a variety of Ferraris and Porshes parked outside the house? Or come clean now it's all getting a bit serious, and throw away the chance (only chance in my life?) to drive the super cars..?

TEFAL - Yes I know - you think the whole story is a lie - blah blah yadda yadda! I'll do you a deal, if I go through with it I'll prove it to you with a picture of me with the Bentley and some other (small) object of your choosing so you know I didn't just grab any old photo off t'net. Then you've got to believe me for once! Deal?
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Wear something very smart and find a friend who has a large house to get them to pick you up from. Definately take the chance, it's epic.
Being fairly local to SUtton myself I'd be curious as to why Bentley chose Sutton of all places to carry out a questionnnaire with such a large offering on the back end?

You'd have thought of other ares to do this to yield genuine wallet bulging folk?
Why worry about it, it’s only a test drive. Get them to pick you up from outside your local Jobcentre. Don’t forget to wave the wodge of banknotes when they come. ;)
Presuming this is true of course :p

I lied like a trooper on the questionnaire just to see if pretty girl would call me

Lol, good response by her. Wonder how many wang in hand blokes she has to deal with on her rather annoying job.

An ex-housemate was the same, would slam the door on old women giving catalogues, but have a nice chat with the lovely RSPCA lass (who in his defence I suppose was very hot). She got bored though of what was clearly a pack of lies and just wheeled off at our gate lol.

Basically - would you have the minerals to go through with it including making up some reason why there arn't a variety of Ferraris and Porshes parked outside the house? Or come clean now it's all getting a bit serious, and throw away the chance (only chance in my life?) to drive the super cars..?

I'm presuming that she didn't tell you where your details were being sent to? Therefore, I'd do it. Unless of course you just weren't paying attention to the fact that it was a car survey? :p
Being fairly local to SUtton myself I'd be curious as to why Bentley chose Sutton of all places to carry out a questionnnaire with such a large offering on the back end?

You'd have thought of other ares to do this to yield genuine wallet bulging folk?

I reckon it was a company data mining then selling the data to whoever wanted to buy it.

They probably sold a different set of people's answers, from the same questionnaire, to 'Ocean finance'!!

Just a generic company I reckon - not Bentley specific.
Being fairly local to SUtton myself I'd be curious as to why Bentley chose Sutton of all places to carry out a questionnnaire with such a large offering on the back end?

You'd have thought of other ares to do this to yield genuine wallet bulging folk?

I think it's more likely that it was carried out by a general data-gathering company who sold the results to any company who'd buy them, including Bentley.
Definitely go through with it and take pics with Hovis, if only just to prove that this isn't yet another of your stories that never leads to anything.

I suspect you'll 'conveniently' bottle it, and this will turn into yet another pointless thread.
Sorry but yeah this smells of bs to me!
Big company's do better and more reliable background checks and footwork before spending significant amounts of money luring new customers!
They certainly don't base it on single and unreliable questionnaire carried out in a local high street ;):p
I'd be honest, phone them back and admit I was just having a laugh. Having a laugh when someone is bothering you is one thing, fraud is another. It is fraud - you would be knowingly deceiving someone in order to obtain something of value.
Just in case...add some meat to your answers.

i.e name a couple of the "7" cars you own, which of em you recently sold, say youre currently renting out a house in monaco, yadda yadda. Go the whole hog :)
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