Would you live next door to your parents/in-laws?

should add depeneds on current situation with housing kids ect.
being 10mins away walking is good and give enough space tbh.

if your in a proerty thats serving your needs maybe consider waiting.
iss the house an investment or to live most of the rest of your lives in? i.e. a stepping stone to something better.

you can always get it and move again if its not working out to well is the flip side.

i'd ask what your other half freinds think on it, and what your irl friends think on it to.

ulitmatly theres no wrong anwser (except any anwser that doesnt match mine) and theres no wright anwser just the anwser thats best at that time.
just be sure to be clear on boundaires and the like from the get go and make sure your other half is on board with the boundaries and the property choice (an unhappy other half is an unhappy relationship).
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100% yes for me, I woke absolute love next door to the in laws. We lived 2 houses down for a couple of years (lived in the same village for many years) and would love to live next door.

In fact we're looking at moving away, but only if they'd move with us, so when house hunting we'd look for house within minutes walking distance like we are now.

_but_... We (kids included) have a good relationship with them, they do childcare two days a week after school & nursery. I miss going there every Sunday for a roast :(
100% yes for me, I woke absolute love next door to the in laws. We lived 2 houses down for a couple of years (lived in the same village for many years) and would love to live next door.

In fact we're looking at moving away, but only if they'd move with us, so when house hunting we'd look for house within minutes walking distance like we are now.

_but_... We (kids included) have a good relationship with them, they do childcare two days a week after school & nursery. I miss going there every Sunday for a roast :(
Just buy a spot together
100% yes for me, I woke absolute love next door to the in laws. We lived 2 houses down for a couple of years (lived in the same village for many years) and would love to live next door.

In fact we're looking at moving away, but only if they'd move with us, so when house hunting we'd look for house within minutes walking distance like we are now.

_but_... We (kids included) have a good relationship with them, they do childcare two days a week after school & nursery. I miss going there every Sunday for a roast :(
Pics of mother in law
Thanks for all the responses all. Bit of a mixed bag of opinions.

For those of you that have said a flat-out no, why?

To answer a few of the questions raised so far...
  • Our kids are both <7, and the in-laws are late 60's/early 70's.
  • This would be our forever home.
  • They're not the controlling/judgmental type.
  • They have no issue with us moving next door. They moved ~150 miles to be closer to us and be able to see the grandkids. They've been here a few years since the move, and it's been great for us and them. They're helpful, but not overbearing.
  • Both me and the wife get on well with them, and feel like we could comfortably and openly tell them to back off.
  • Unless you're hanging out your front door, you can't see who's coming/going to the house. You can see into the majority of each other's back gardens from the upstairs rooms
Thanks for all the responses all. Bit of a mixed bag of opinions.

For those of you that have said a flat-out no, why?

To answer a few of the questions raised so far...
  • Our kids are both <7, and the in-laws are late 60's/early 70's.
  • This would be our forever home.
  • They're not the controlling/judgmental type.
  • They have no issue with us moving next door. They moved ~150 miles to be closer to us and be able to see the grandkids. They've been here a few years since the move, and it's been great for us and them. They're helpful, but not overbearing.
  • Both me and the wife get on well with them, and feel like we could comfortably and openly tell them to back off.
  • Unless you're hanging out your front door, you can't see who's coming/going to the house. You can see into the majority of each other's back gardens from the upstairs rooms
So do it already. Just be aware when they get old and decrepid they'll become your sole responsibility. Is she an only child? Does she get on with her siblings? Expect she may take up lions share of care but still only get her equal share.
Thanks for all the responses all. Bit of a mixed bag of opinions.

For those of you that have said a flat-out no, why?

To answer a few of the questions raised so far...
  • Our kids are both <7, and the in-laws are late 60's/early 70's.
  • This would be our forever home.
  • They're not the controlling/judgmental type.
  • They have no issue with us moving next door. They moved ~150 miles to be closer to us and be able to see the grandkids. They've been here a few years since the move, and it's been great for us and them. They're helpful, but not overbearing.
  • Both me and the wife get on well with them, and feel like we could comfortably and openly tell them to back off.
  • Unless you're hanging out your front door, you can't see who's coming/going to the house. You can see into the majority of each other's back gardens from the upstairs rooms

My Parents like to rope you in to help out with their ridiculously big garden.

Was same living there. Weekends often spent working in the garden

Always feel like I've "regressed" being there too long.

Also. No kids so that side is no benefit.

Oh, another one. They are involved in a bitter inheritance dispute. And it's all ever hear about. Wouldn't want them coming round and just talking about misery.
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So do it already. Just be aware when they get old and decrepid they'll become your sole responsibility. Is she an only child? Does she get on with her siblings? Expect she may take up lions share of care but still only get her equal share.

She has a 2 siblings, but they're both further away. One might move down this way too, but the other definitely won't. So we're already the closest and resigned to likely having to do a chunk of care. It's just whether we need to travel 10 mins or 10 steps to perform that care!

There is a concern that by being closer, they may be tempted to reach out for help more frequently, but the pro's are outweighing that potential con atm.
She has a 2 siblings, but they're both further away. One might move down this way too, but the other definitely won't. So we're already the closest and resigned to likely having to do a chunk of care. It's just whether we need to travel 10 mins or 10 steps to perform that care!

There is a concern that by being closer, they may be tempted to reach out for help more frequently, but the pro's are outweighing that potential con atm.
I'd definitely do it. The lass across the road from me back "home home" lives next door to her parents. It is godsend. They've even removed the fence in the rear garden.
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