Would you live next door to your parents/in-laws?

They won't be living next door forever.
If I got on with them well enough, and knew both households would give each other enough space.

other wise no.

you could end up with 0 privacy and constant visitors when you just want to recharge.

kids might be running between the houses all the time to
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For me, it would be the loss of control.

Right now, both sets of grandparents are close enough to come over and help out if we want them to, or equally for us to drop the kids at their place. But they're not round the corner.

So they would never just pop over, to see if we're there.

I do value my independence and keeping time to myself.

Sure, it would be nice to be able to let the kids walk straight to grandma's via the back garden. But I also wouldn't want every day for us to be wondering if they might pop over for some random reason, bumping into them all the time (whether on the street or at the corner shop), or feeling the need to explain when something minor happened.
We've recently accepted an offer on our house, and a house has come up for sale that we like the look of. It's like the stars have aligned, but the only snag is it's next door to my in-laws. It's detached, but, it's literally next door.

How old are you in-laws? Being very close to them when they're elderly is hugely useful.

Our kids are both <7, and the in-laws are late 60's/early 70's.

Ah, read-ahead mode was off: do it! In a few years the older one is going to be needing help.
kids might be running between the houses all the time to
This is exactly what happens with my in-laws setup I mentioned earlier.

We'll be in the Mother in Laws house and the Sister in Law's badly behaved 4 year old will just barrel in and not go back, leaving us lumbered with him for hours while he screams/shouts/breaks stuff/whatever else kids are just allowed to do nowadays.

I'm going there tomorrow and I already know it's going to happen multiple times over the weekend because it always does, and he's such hard work that I'm sure his mum is more than happy to get a break, but it means we're all stuck with him instead.
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