WoW Addiction



8 Nov 2003
The game itself is much more in depth and detailed than I can possibly describe for but some highlights are:

Parents suing Blizzard for World of Warcraft addiction:
"A thirteen year-old Chinese boy jumped to his death last year from a 24 story building, allegedly after playing too much World of Warcraft."

My son: Life destroyed by World of Warcraft addiction:
“Slowly, silently, my 20 year old son has eliminated his social life,
closed his door, and become a drug addict. The drug is the
World of Warcraft game.”

Neglected child dies while parents play World of Warcraft.
“It's a sad story, and it's been popping up all over the Internet today. A Korean couple went to play World of Warcraft at an Internet cafe and they found their child dead from suffocation.”

Online Gaming Addiction
“I can't stop thinking about, playing, and breathing games. Games encompass my thoughts, my social life, and my speech.”

Wow Addiction - The Lonely Exit.
“This response was written due to the fact that “World of Warcraft“ and other computer games have affected me negatively in multiple ways as I grew up. The whole concept of this response is to allow a non-gamer to maybe step into a gamer's shoes and maybe get a look at what it is like.”

World of Warcraft Addiction
“My brother has become another warcraft addict. He has lost all control over himself.”

When does online-game fervor become addiction?
One mother says EverQuest addiction may have caused her son's suicide; Diablo lover says gamers must rely on willpower.

China imposes online gaming curbs
“Gamers in China are facing new limits on how much time they can spend playing their favourite online game.”

Man Dies From Playing World Of Warcraft
“I was reading the paper today about a man in South Korea who went on a 50 hour binge playing World of Warcraft and died of heart failure, caused by dehydration and starvation. Can video games become so engrossing that it numbs all effects.”

I tore myself away to write this
Before I started playing this, I used to get annoyed when my boyfriend spent hours with his face glued to the screen, but now I see what all the fuss is about and I'm worse than him.

Funeral in World of Warcraft
“A young girl nicknamed “Snowly” died last month after playing the online game “World of Warcraft” for several continuous days during the national day holiday.”

Online RPG Addicts Come Clean about Their Habit
“Rafe Fraiser knows what it's like to be an addict. Unlike most addicts, though, Fraiser wasn't hooked on illegal narcotics, cigarettes or even alcohol. But his habit was nevertheless powerful enough to control his life, following a pattern common among any sort of addiction: A free taste got him hooked long enough to pull in his friends, whose involvement only reinforced his own compulsion. The drug? A massively multiplayer online role-playing videogame (MMORPG).”

World of Warcraft, could it be killing our teens
“The parents of a teenage son who committed suicide just over a year ago claim that their son become addicted to the massively multiplayer online role-playing game, World of Warcraft. They believe that as a result of this addiction he took his own life.”

After I quit I made THIS video & never played again:

The well known Rogue has been for sale for a while:

In the future games will be become even more addictive and real. I guess life is a game in itself but I now know that real life is a lot better but many won’t and will fall into the same trap! This has been a learning experience for me.
I must say that ive become rather addicted myself to WoW after swearing for months and months that i would never play it cos i hated all blizzards other games.
I played anarchy online for 4 years then moved over to EQ2 for about 6 months. I got WoW for a birthday present and have never looked back, there is just sooo much to do in it and slowly but surely its beginning to take all my spare time ( and even some that wasnt spare).

Id suggest to anyone who likes this type of game to NOT play it if you are in education or otherwise need to concentrate on other things. WOW can become very addictive and should be used with caution. :D
im gonna get flamed but :P ive quit wow, so ive been trying the bots every one moans about to lvl a toon up. There not as good as ppl make out 1-17 in 23 hrs isnt fast going tbh, and its often stuck in a tree

PS im only using it untill my payment runs out :)
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lmao at those, im addicted to WoW but i can take a night off to go out with mates.

guess im just on the line myself ^-^
I was once exactly the same icehot but i wanted more, i wanted to see the whole game and play with the best people. I was soon where i am now! For me it was a game of ALL or NOTHING.
I've been wondering if these poor individuals hadn't got addicted to WoW, would some other activity had the same effect? I guess what I'm trying to ask is did these people have 'addictive personalities'? If it wasn't gaming then something else? Because it's all very good blaming the game but if there is an underlying social problem then this needs looking at.

I do think that games like WoW encourage this type of obsessive behaviour,with endgame content needing huge amounts of time to achieve.Maybe this is part of the problem too?

Hmm I'm not sure whether games companies are liable in any way..I can't decide.But what I do know is that certain individuals will always look for activities to throw themselves into to the detriment of their real lives.
ExRayTed said:
I've been wondering if these poor individuals hadn't got addicted to WoW, would some other activity had the same effect? I guess what I'm trying to ask is did these people have 'addictive personalities'? If it wasn't gaming then something else? Because it's all very good blaming the game but if there is an underlying social problem then this needs looking at.

Thats what I want to know. I mean it's not as if these guys were the ONLY ones addicted to WoW. I reckon a pretty high percentage of those who play WoW are as addicted as those meantioned in the various news articles, if not MORE addicted. But, you don't see all of them killing themselves or playing for 3-4 days straight with no sleep. I admit WoW may have been part of the problem, but I'm pretty sure there must have been something else to it too.
First Grand Theft Auto and now World of Warcraft what next? Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting blamed for increase in GBH or something? Surely if you sit in the same position doing something repetively for days on end and not eating/drinking/sleeping properly will make you ill?

I admit that when I'm bored and have no plans for the evening, I stay up to play World of Warcraft. But I don't let it take over my life and refuse nights out with my mates or something over a game. I've even uninstalled the game and switched to a crappy graphics card until after my exams in May.
WoW is boring though, ive never understood the addiction to it or why anyone would want to spend hours upon hours playing it :confused: someone care to explain why its so good?
I can see why it becomes addictive. I would say though that I would find this harder to quit than smoking ever was.

I think the biggest problem is end-game like someone said, with more content coming in the problem is going to get much worse.
AtreuS said:
is just sooo much to do in it

Like what exactly? I did really enjoy playing WoW up until recently but now its just a waste of time. If you think about it every single quest is killing something or delivering something. You right click a creature and hit the odd button for specials, wait for it to die and move on. In other games you actually control the attacking and movements. In wow you just select the attacks. Imagine somthing like BF2 made the same way, a shoot button and a throw nade button with no trigger on the gun etc. You select a target, select attack and watch the screen while your pc attacks the other person.

I dont fully understand how people can be addicted to this. For me this game has become way to repetative. All I ever seem to do is kill monsters level up and then walk onto the next town. As much as I like it, its all the same.
It all about WHO you play with i guess. I have played many games to a high level and this is the ONLY one to challenge me. It's like playing chess only x10 times harder when you get to end game content at a high level.
nice :)

I became addicted to WoW when it first came out but luckily cancelled it, but then over christmas I had nothing to do and so started playing again and got addicted all over again :(. I have cancelled my account now tho, it's amazing how you can get so addicted to a game.
should make a 'quit-wow' organisation, i know i need it

schools starting to suffer for myself and lots of other little problems aswell, and before september i was saying 'i will never play wow, i dont want to become addicted!'

oh well, i'm priest so i'm getting extremely bored of the game now

in fact this thread has convinced me to cancel my subscription, thanks guys!!!!!!!
WoW is chocolate, EQ1 was heroin. God help us if anyone actually makes the "real" EQ2.

Yes, computer games can be addictive, but the media have been spewing this BS for 25 years now. You're extremely unlikely to die if you sit in front of a computer screen for 50 hours, unless you had a sever health issue before you started playing.

I played EQ1 for over 6 years, during one year, I was playing at least 50 hours a week and that was with a fulltime job. I didn't die, but I did get a bit chubby for a while. The funny thing is while playing EQ I drank less alcohol and saved a damn fortune.
Orcish-Horde said:
Well im stopping playing next month, 4x 5hr raids = 20hr = one item = time to quit.

That about sums up the end game. A big problem as well, if your in a guild doing BWL and MC you need DKP so unless you attend almost every raid you have no chance of getting any items. All the items that drop pass by to someone else. Not to say you missed out on what tactics they used so you effectively get outcast.

So as much a blizzard go on about how wow is for casual players it is no where near true at end game and i would say past level 55.
ExRayTed said:
Hmm I'm not sure whether games companies are liable in any way..I can't decide.But what I do know is that certain individuals will always look for activities to throw themselves into to the detriment of their real lives.
I don't think the games companies should be liable in anyway, they are not forcing anyone to play their games. As you say some poeple have addictive personalties but they are still intelligent human beings and as such should take responibility for their own actions. If a game is taking so much time to the detriment of their real life then it's up to the individual to decide where their priorities lie.

When people go out on a weekend and get drunk, they don't blame the breweries for what happens, it's down to the individual to make choices. The same applies to PC games
Orcish-Horde said:
Well im stopping playing next month, 4x 5hr raids = 20hr = one item = time to quit.

You should play Everquest 2 if you think that’s bad! I know people who have attended 70+ raids and never had an item. Saying you’ll quit next month is no good, if you want to quit do it now or it's just another month gone.

On the note of MMORPG addiction I've been there with EQ before, luckily my life gave me enough time to play the game how I wanted (18 hours a day) it did take over my social life, I did nothing for over two years cept play online, I sold in game items to pay for my addiction.

No one around me really understood what was going on, family just though I liked playing computer games, I never told them how bad it had got. It was at a stage where I would eat dinner at my keyboard and go out about once a month to anything, even then I was thinking about EQ and what I could have been missing, falling asleep while on 10 hour raids (Plane of Sky! Arhhh!)

While at a friend’s house party I meet a girl, we started going out and that broke my addiction. Since then I've never been back to EQ, I’ve still dabbled with EQ2/WoW and a few others but luckily I've got to much going on in my life to give the amount of time to build up a fresh addiction, in my heart I know I could be addicted again (if I won the lottery, I probably would!)

As far as I can see it’s like any other addiction, very hard to get out of the habit and as it’s not illegal or hurting anyone from the start it’s not seen as a danger, people need to know their limits and stick to them. The one resounding though I’ll always remember is:

“It’s only a game, in 2 years your friends who you play with now, the things you do now in game are worth next to nothing and there will be a new game out where you start with nothing again”
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