WoW Addiction

mcast123 said:
WoW is chocolate, EQ1 was heroin. God help us if anyone actually makes the "real" EQ2.

Yes, computer games can be addictive, but the media have been spewing this BS for 25 years now. You're extremely unlikely to die if you sit in front of a computer screen for 50 hours, unless you had a sever health issue before you started playing.

I played EQ1 for over 6 years, during one year, I was playing at least 50 hours a week and that was with a fulltime job. I didn't die, but I did get a bit chubby for a while. The funny thing is while playing EQ I drank less alcohol and saved a damn fortune.

Lol I know exactly how you feel mate, by the way the "proper" EQ2 will be called Vanguard Reading it makes me think about the old days old EQ and I really do get a shiver down my spine.

What server/guild were you in?
celliott said:
Like what exactly? I did really enjoy playing WoW up until recently but now its just a waste of time. If you think about it every single quest is killing something or delivering something. You right click a creature and hit the odd button for specials, wait for it to die and move on. In other games you actually control the attacking and movements. In wow you just select the attacks. Imagine somthing like BF2 made the same way, a shoot button and a throw nade button with no trigger on the gun etc. You select a target, select attack and watch the screen while your pc attacks the other person.

I dont fully understand how people can be addicted to this. For me this game has become way to repetative. All I ever seem to do is kill monsters level up and then walk onto the next town. As much as I like it, its all the same.

SO you never pvp'ed or did the battlegrounds? obviously not. Just sitting and "hit the odd button for specials" would get you killed within seconds.

a lot depends on having a good guild to do stuff with.... i agree that if you have no friends or guild in the game then its a non starter really. Very little to do solo once you hit level 45ish. I myself and a level 300 elemental leatherworker and i love to make money and help out my guildmates using the auction house and stuff.... we do lots of raids and have fun doing so. I can log on and be doing stuff within 10 minutes and am never really bored at all.

SO i suppose all i can say is that you musnt have had many friends in the game or had a good guild... or just arent interested in the game stype of MMORPG's in which case, why start playing in the first place? you either like this type of game or you dont... i for example just dont dont see the attraction is stuff like CS and Q4 etc.... i enjoy stuff like single player HL2 and such but i find the multiplayer game to be boring and repetative, and yes i am quite good so its not just moaning about always being killed, i just think that after an hour its boring.

Anyways.... horses for courses, you have to like MMORPGs to play WOW,DAOK,AO,SWG ,EQ2 or any of them... simple as that
ERU said:

In the future games will be become even more addictive and real. I guess life is a game in itself but I now know that real life is a lot better but many won’t and will fall into the same trap! This has been a learning experience for me.

Let us know how u get on with selling your account, I have a SWG Jedi and Weaponsmith I want to Egay. I got 280million credits also. Hope I could make a wad from that. :) If u divide it into an hourly rate though it would be pennies.
I think it's safe to say I'm addicted. 80 days played on my main char, that's a hell of a lot of time.

A lot of people in my guild have quit recentley because there's simply nothing left for us to do in the game until AQ.

To the OP: You seem to have a lot of English guys speaking on your video! I'm a minority on my server. I know about 8 English guys and they're all my mates who came with me lol.

Here's our first ever Nefarian video btw (if anyone's interested):;4412104;;/fileinfo.html

Oh, and WoW is my first ever MMORPG.
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I enjoy a beer or two while watching footy but should alchohol be banned because a minority abuse it?

I like to put a bet on first goalscorer as St.Mary's when I got to watch Saints but should all gambling be banned because a a few people don't know when to stop?

I enjoy playing WoW with some of my mates and have made new ones through the game but should it be banned because a minority can't control thier playing time?

This is all about people taking responsobility for thier own actions and taking appropriate action to deal with it. If you've had a problem with any of this and got out before it was too late then that's great. Other than that please leave the rest of us who are enjoying things in moderation to carry on enjoying them.
I totally agree Saint jw, like ANYTHING that is popular there will be people who become addicted and take things to far. I don't see how a computer game addiction is any worse than a lot of other things but because it's something new people always try and jump on the "lets ban it" band wagon.

I’m sure that exactly the same comments about “It’s ruined our sons life” or “I use to steal from babies to feed my addiction” have been said about betting/drinking/smoking/drugs/work/eating/not-eating/sex/violence etc

A little like somone else said, while I was addicted at least I didn't spend my time drinking cider in the park and getting into trouble hanging arround train stations smashing things because I had nothing else to do. Saves a lot of money not going out as well.
Having read the above stories it seems there is one thing dividing the addicted and non-addicted ingame -------> having a good guild and community!

I joined with real life friends i had moved away from, my girlfriend did a lot of studying so i needed something to do in the house and i soon met some very decent people on TS/Ventrillo. One of my guild members went on a tour visiting all his old EQ2 buddies once and meets were organised to drink beer. A bit like the i23 Lan type events.

It's all about the community. A bit like the reason you keeep coming back to these forums. I was in a very strong community by the end of it and could have easily stayed years. If i wanted to pop over to visit someone in say Lapland or France from the guild i was totally welcome. I was even invited to some very odd places a numerous times. Our guild even had some very attractive females (some who came from EQ2) that made it seem all the more normal. Guild members found their soulmates and played round their houses on weekends and on each others characters.

The people who say it's because of an addictive personality don't understand how far you can take this game and how involving the community of it can become. I was once the same person saying the same things to others about Ultima & EQ1 on forums too. Muppets i thought of them all. I was once a person who didn't care how long it took to get to level 60 and only played the game ocasionally. I certainly don't have an addictive personality but i am very driven when i do things in real life. I don't let people down. I didn't suddenly have a mid life disaster to make me play more as i was always the same person. I just kept playing and each time got sucked in more and bettered my ingame situation.
Not everyone will get sucked in as they wont be able to play good enough to be in the top guilds or physically cant play the hours required to raid consistanly. I expect some servers don't have decent guilds at all...but they are out there!
ERU said:
I was once a person who didn't care how long it took to get to level 60 and only played the game ocasionally. I certainly don't have an addictive personality but i am very driven when i do things in real life. I don't let people down.

Quoted out of context slightly, but i think i'm a bit like that. I don't have any great friends on my servers and i'm not in any guilds, so there's not a lot drawing me to it other than what you can do solo.

However exams ahead so i've decided i need to stop my sub, but i don't know what happens when you press that "Cancel subscription" button. Can you play to the end of the month you've paid for or does it stop immediately? And how do you go about re-selling it. Is the game completely tied to the account and so you have to send that to someone as well? (complete with your name and email which you have to phone up to change)

A read of the EULA is in order i think..
WolfR1der said:
what happens when you press that "Cancel subscription" button. Can you play to the end of the month you've paid for or does it stop immediately? And how do you go about re-selling it. Is the game completely tied to the account and so you have to send that to someone as well? (complete with your name and email which you have to phone up to change)

A read of the EULA is in order i think..
When you cancel you can play up to the end of the paid time. I cancelled last week and also 9 months ago.

Not sure about the legality of selling it on tho :confused:
im still on my free month and ive cancelled it already although i thought it was quite fun to get to a lvl 7 undead warlock i just couldnt get into it.
I got guildwars and thats sort of the same game but free.
Also with oblivion coming out thats gonna be a time sapper :)
Good good. Got the subscription cancelled and my game time runs out on March 20th. Just no point paying while i'm working and don't have time/aren't supposed to be playing. :p
My brother still plays DAoC. He's been playing it for about 4-5 years now and is slowly getting worse. I'm currently at university and the last time I saw him he looked pale and jaundiced. I told him to grow up but he ignores me. He promised my parents he would get a job but none of us think he will. He never leaves the house and i'm starting to wonder if the game has induced some form of agrophobia or something.
Can anyone suggest anything to help him realise he's wasting his life?
I think you have hit the nail on the head a bit their ERU. EQ I defiantly had a very pro-active guild (Arch Overseers) and it was like a online community, some of the time I use to play just to chat to friends and that coupled with the achievement of defeating XXX made the game very addictive. Knowing if you missed a raid and something important dropped or you missed a key made it nearly impossible to miss raids due to being unable to raid later on if you did.

Not sure it was down to my personnel skill that I managed to get along but being a cleric and always needed defiantly helped. EQ2 again I had a good group of friends and a brilliant friendly guild who made me feel wanted to come along to hunts and raids.
I played Everquest for a year and became addicted. Now I know I can't go near Wow as I know my real life matters more than that. I'm crap at driving games but at least 30 minutes doesn't turn into 4 hours.
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