WoW advice

18 Jan 2006
Small but pleasant dilema here-
Starting WoW tomorrow when I finally get off the :mad: :mad: uni connection, but I would like input on various stuff :D
First off, what character? I'm rather drawn towards an Undead Shaman, mainly because I like the magic aspects, and there should be sligtly less people on the horde side. Any thoughts on the easiness of this & / or an alternate route?
Second, what server? I'm pretty much set on a PvP server, but which one? Uptime, and also any fellow OCUKers will be taken into account ;)

leezer3 said:
Small but pleasant dilema here-
Starting WoW tomorrow when I finally get off the :mad: :mad: uni connection, but I would like input on various stuff :D
First off, what character? I'm rather drawn towards an Undead Shaman, mainly because I like the magic aspects, and there should be sligtly less people on the horde side. Any thoughts on the easiness of this & / or an alternate route?
Second, what server? I'm pretty much set on a PvP server, but which one? Uptime, and also any fellow OCUKers will be taken into account ;)

First thing Id ask myself, is how long and ofter I intend to play; and if ** doing more than that, then have a rethink. The other problem is that there are people working on changing the game all the time and its enevitable that some of these changes u wont like; and if its anything like SWG and me then they will eventually lead u to quit (and they done me a favor tbh).
leezer3 said:
Small but pleasant dilema here-
Starting WoW tomorrow when I finally get off the :mad: :mad: uni connection, but I would like input on various stuff :D
First off, what character? I'm rather drawn towards an Undead Shaman, mainly because I like the magic aspects, and there should be sligtly less people on the horde side. Any thoughts on the easiness of this & / or an alternate route?
Second, what server? I'm pretty much set on a PvP server, but which one? Uptime, and also any fellow OCUKers will be taken into account ;)


Undead Shaman is impossible. You can't choose Shaman as an Undead, choose and Orc if you want to be a PvP Shaman :)
you cant get undead shamans, only Orc, Tauren and troll shamans.

Shamans are a great class to be imo, i have a lvl 57 as a main and really enjoy playing. Soloing is generally easy especially when you get mail as you can heal your self again. Its usually easy to get a group as one, as you can be a backup healing and backup tank as well.

The best way is just to try several out and see what you like.

Im Horde on Stormscale PVP server, used to be ques for it but now theres none havnt had one for ages. Its a high population server, but this means there are more possible groups.
Undead cannot be Shamans, I would roll PvE, PvP servers arn't what they used to be since BG's/honor grind. The easiest classes to level are DD classes (Rogue, Hunter, Mage etc) but the most wanted classes end game are healer classes (Priest, Druid)

If I were to start again I would chose a Druid, they are wanted in the end game (fairly rare class), and are very versatile.
Orc Shaman is defiently the way to go, also they are a good class to start of with. Can melee and deal decent spell damage, also can heal and can take a few hits. Pretty good class for a newcomer.
I have a level 60 Druid and a Level 60 Rogue.

I think with this game you have to decide early on what you want to do. Do you want to Heal or do you want to do Damage.

On my Druid I loved healing, still do infact which has resulted in me abandoning my Rogue and making a new Undead Female Priest whislt also playing my Night Elf Druid.

Now the reason I love Healing is because you feel that the group is dependant on you. The 2 most important roles in any group are a Warrior and the healer. If you have a poor healer in your group then you will probably struggle just the same as if you have a bad Warrior.

Whereas any of the other classes you could have a dodgy player in the group but still succeed. What I am trying to say here is that as a Rogue you feel pretty worthless. Yes we do good Damage but the fact that I can be Selfish and give all the work to the healers to keep me alive sometimes it feels boring. Another thing is that all you do is Target a Mob, Hit the same buttons over and over again and hope that you get some heals every once and a while.

As a Druid / Priest this is completely different. The raid is often depending on you to do good, this puts added pressure on yourself and I feel that this increases the enjoyment. If you keep a Tank alive you feel that you have achieved something.

People have mentioned the Shaman, and they are good but I beleive that in end game t hey can be quite dull and boring. Most of the Shamans i have seen play just spam the ChainHeal and that is it.

If I was you I would go either of these classes:

Undead Warrior
Undead Priest

They are the 2 Most wanted classes in the game and you will never really struggle to find a group to instance with. I have said a Priest over a Druid because end game you only heal, and for me having a Wand is a slight advantage because you can still do a little bit of damage whilst staying out of the thick of things. As a Druid you only stand away from the Mobs and never do any damage what soever.

I have 2 Characters, one on Laughing Skull Realm which is PVP(Ascendants Of Evil)
and another on WildHammer.

PVP is near enough dead on this server and many people find it annoying to be out Questing and getting killed.
I'd recommend PVE for hassle free questing, whilst still having the ability to join WSG and AV

So all in all, join a PVE server and be an Undead Warrior or Priest :D
You seem to be looking at the Undead, unlike the post before I wouldn;t suggest an Undead Warrior. A warrior yes but not the undead, for me their skiny body does not do justice to the good gear availavble at high end. I'd say if you go for a warrior make it an Orc.

My suggestion though if you are thinking undead is a Warlock and a female one at that.

Go for a PvP server, levelling will be a little harder with all the ganking that goes on but you'd regret not going PvP later. And Horde are outnumbered but this has advantages with lesser Queues for PvP BG'S.
I have a level 43 Tauren Shaman. I chose Tauren cause of stomp, which is a Tauren racial skill, comes in handy.

If you are considering Shaman you may wish to wait until the next major patch as Shamans talents are being re-vamped. Some think the changes are good, others think it's bad. My advice: Wait until the changes have been applied.

With that said I have enjoyed playing the Shaman as they have a varied talent pool.

I play on both PvP and Normal servers, and to be honest I have come to prefer PvP. Even though I have a level 60 Feral Night Elf Druid on a Normal server. On PvP you never know if or when you're going to be attacked (in contested or opposing faction territory). Some people don't like this but I believe it adds to the tension.

When all said and done, the decision is yours. Above all have fun.

Quriky lvl 43 Enhanced Tauren Shaman
Dagda lvl 60 Feral Night Elf Druid
A) Join a PVE server. Forget PVP.

B) There are far too many Shaman and Rogues. You will suffer when looking for a good guild at level 60.
A) you will regret not going pvp in the end

B) Really u wanna be a priest or a druid as theres not enough around, but being a shaman isnt bad, one the easiest classes to solo with, really easy to get into a group and very good in bg
An update for any interested- I now have an Orc Shaman on Laughing Skull, currently in the newbie vallley levelling up. In game name is Earthwind.

Thats a very interesting question :)
The HP is just a little lower than I'd like, but thats hopefully only really going to be a problem in the n00b stages, where ATM I only have the single ranged magic attack that is the way I'm aiming to take this.
I'm still currently in the n00b areas, levelling pretty rapidly, but as yet no PvP combat- Again this just needs me getting out of the starter areas & into somwhere a little more profitable.
I would personally like some sort of an indicator of where I've been on the map, even a simple annotation system would do, but thats a minor gripe.

Overall, highly enjoyable with the minor niggles you're gonna get with any game.

You won't get any pvp until after you leave the Barrens (which is the area after Durotar), so you should be "safe" until around level 20. I believe Laughing Skull has more horde than alliance, so I guess ganking shouldn't be too big an issue for you.

Make sure you are wearing leather and not cloth just now, as it will affect your armor points, and as such how much damage you take from attacks. When you hit level 40 you can learn mail from your trainer, and from then on look for mail.

I'd recommend, even if you are enjoying the shaman for now, to try out some other classes too. Shamen don't have much in the way of "magic" as they are are combi-type class, but mostly melee. It's best for each new character to get past level 10, as it does take a while to get even all of the basic spells.
The world pvp in the game is an absolute waste of time. Also you will get plenty of people ganking you when you are low level compared to them. A PVE/normal server is far more enjoyable for the sane minded.

The amount of time you will waste on a pvp server running to your corpse because you got ganked is astonishing. Its probably days worth of play. Also the best areas tend to be frequented by both sides. If you want to earn any meaningful honor do this in Battlegrounds ofcourse! Its what people do on PVP servers anyway. :cool:
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