WoW advice

lol the rule, except blizzard are nerfing wind fury :(

actually shamans shock spells have pretty good dmg and considering they are incast with a 6 sec cool down (5 with talents) they are very good in pvp.
Sorry to hijack the thread didn't see the need to start another one though.

I'm about to start downloading the game to use the 10 day key I got from fileplanet with.
I seem to remember reading that when the 10 days is up you need to uninstall and install the full game client. Is this correct or can you start paying monthly as soon as the 10 days run out?

Also does anyone have any links to complete beginners guides or anything?

leezer3 said:
Thats a very interesting question :)
The HP is just a little lower than I'd like, but thats hopefully only really going to be a problem in the n00b stages, where ATM I only have the single ranged magic attack that is the way I'm aiming to take this.
I'm still currently in the n00b areas, levelling pretty rapidly, but as yet no PvP combat- Again this just needs me getting out of the starter areas & into somwhere a little more profitable.
I would personally like some sort of an indicator of where I've been on the map, even a simple annotation system would do, but thats a minor gripe.

Overall, highly enjoyable with the minor niggles you're gonna get with any game.


Nice to see you've chose a class that is easy enough for new comers.

The HP is only a problem at the moment because the gear you get is statless bar the armor. When you start getting higher you'll get gear with stats on from quests/world drops and from instances which will increase your health/intelect(mana&spell crit) and many other stats aswell.

As a shaman you get many attacks such as the lightning bolt, chain lightning, earth shoch, frost shock and flame shock(i think it's named that). Also you get many healing spells and totems which will help you in groups and soloing. Also at 30 you get a spell named windfury which is the best way of leveling up due to just hitting the target then lesser healing waving yourself after every kill. It's the best way to level up a shaman with a good 2handed weapon with windfury on as you'll never have any downtime due to having a load of mana left.

The pvp aspect you wont start seeing until you hit Hillsbrad which is 23-24+ area, this is where a lot of people level up and you may get a fair bit of pvp in. Although on some servers this is where the high levelers roll and get all excited about killing lower levels.

With the annotation thing you've stated you can get ctmod which allows you to put notes all over the map.

If you need anymore help, don't worry about asking i'll be glad to help you out.

PS. Here was the stats on my shaman on the test server a while back.
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Ardmanz said:
Sorry to hijack the thread didn't see the need to start another one though.

I'm about to start downloading the game to use the 10 day key I got from fileplanet with.
I seem to remember reading that when the 10 days is up you need to uninstall and install the full game client. Is this correct or can you start paying monthly as soon as the 10 days run out?

Also does anyone have any links to complete beginners guides or anything?


Im not to sure, although i heard you'd have to start your character again once buying the proper game. I think you'd have to install the full game due to the trial one being limited in certain area's unless they've released a patch which turns the trial into the full client. Either way you'll get the full client on the disks if and when you decide to purchase the game and also a free month of gameplay.
vaultingSlinky said:
If i were you i would stop being a shaman right now, our pve soloing is sooooooooooo slow lvl 40+ and the game really becomes boring. Reroll either a damage dealer or a priest/druid, at least with the druid you can switch forms and stealth etc. Shamans arent popular class for grouping

Dont get me wrong i did have some fun with my shaman, especially in pvp. But in all other aspects of the game, mainly at level 60 it was boring as hell unless you can get the real top gear. (which will eat away all your spare time)

It's not that slow.. i played one to 60 and leveled up using windfury and shocks every now and again. Had no downtime and was raking in like 25-30k xp an hour just grinding it up. Funnily enough i was always grouped on my shaman, both the lower and higher instances. They are good as a backup healer like a paladin.

The shaman is good in both pvp and pve, you just got to have the right set up. You don't need top gear really, if you look on you can try and get the best stuff pre mc and if you enjoy pvping you could always go for the new and improved shaman set. It doesn't take to long to get rank 7-8 which is the gloves/boots/chest/legs.
World of Warcraft = Prepare to lose your life.


It rocks though, love the game, taken away a fair bit of my Life, 3 60's now 104 days played on my Main character, 16 on another and 44 on my old one.
If you want my opinion for what its worth. Dont buy it. You'll spend months on a character and finally when you get to the likes of BWL, you'll find it unplayable due to 20 disconnects throughout the night. Your guild will get **** off and kick you. You'll then complain in thieir forums and which will get deleted and youll be slapped with a ban.

With the overall experience leaving you rather :mad: :(

Play a game where the developer actually gives a damn. Nice game shame their networks and support are a joke.
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vaultingSlinky said:
If i were you i would stop being a shaman right now, our pve soloing is sooooooooooo slow lvl 40+ and the game really becomes boring. Reroll either a damage dealer or a priest/druid, at least with the druid you can switch forms and stealth etc. Shamans arent popular class for grouping

Dont get me wrong i did have some fun with my shaman, especially in pvp. But in all other aspects of the game, mainly at level 60 it was boring as hell unless you can get the real top gear. (which will eat away all your spare time)

They are a really great class in pvp if you actually know how to fight with them against each class

Also ive found my self always grouped, they may not have huge damage but they are a usefull backup healer and can be good for a little bit of off tanking. I most find that im usually keeping aggro off priests & mages / warlocks (cloth wearers) should they get aggro, as earth shock can create aggro
Vicious said:
They are a really great class in pvp if you actually know how to fight with them against each class

Also ive found my self always grouped, they may not have huge damage but they are a usefull backup healer and can be good for a little bit of off tanking. I most find that im usually keeping aggro off priests & mages / warlocks (cloth wearers) should they get aggro, as earth shock can create aggro

Exactly my Shaman always and i mean ALWAYS had a group. They can be a backup healer and melee with windfury on and still have full mana ready for a heal if the main healer is in a bit of difficulty. Also in PVP they are brilliant against casters with their earth shock. Even when they are elemental/resto specced they can use a shield and one hander and stick windfury and shock/melee the enemy to death and can also give a few heals to people that can take targets out quicker.

They are a brilliant class to play and are still wanted in groups wherever you go.
Edinho said:
If you want my opinion for what its worth. Dont buy it. You'll spend months on a character and finally when you get to the likes of BWL, you'll find it unplayable due to 20 disconnects throughout the night. Your guild will get **** off and kick you. You'll then complain in thieir forums and which will get deleted and youll be slapped with a ban.

With the overall experience leaving you rather :mad: :(

Play a game where the developer actually gives a damn. Nice game shame their networks and support are a joke.

I've never had a problem with disconnects in BWL. If you were banned, you must have used rather offensive language rather than just contacting the tech support?
leezer3 said:
Small but pleasant dilema here-
Starting WoW tomorrow when I finally get off the :mad: :mad: uni connection, but I would like input on various stuff :D
First off, what character? I'm rather drawn towards an Undead Shaman, mainly because I like the magic aspects, and there should be sligtly less people on the horde side. Any thoughts on the easiness of this & / or an alternate route?
Second, what server? I'm pretty much set on a PvP server, but which one? Uptime, and also any fellow OCUKers will be taken into account ;)


dont roll a shaman, not really wanted in large quantities end game, roll a priest or a mage, these generally will do you in good stead in getting groups, oh a druid is a fine choice also.
druids rock and im always being asked to go to places by people who want usually a healer.

however the druid is so much more - i'm feral so usually tanking or kitty cat dpsing. and blizz are slowly adding some good feral gear in some of the endgame instances now D:

and stealth is great use at times as well.

also in my guild at endgame i'm able to go feral and kitty or tank as appropriate / needed.
I just started playing wow yesterday and I am already addicted, I am a lvl 6 Warlock but I am not sure I picked the right class as he seems to be lacking in hand to hand combat, I got my ass kicked by a lvl 1 warrior yesterday in a duel LOL!!!
Lee2k4 said:
I just started playing wow yesterday and I am already addicted, I am a lvl 6 Warlock but I am not sure I picked the right class as he seems to be lacking in hand to hand combat, I got my ass kicked by a lvl 1 warrior yesterday in a duel LOL!!!! You're a caster cast.If you want to melee pick a melee class.Did you read the character descriptions? ;)
If you tried going up against the warrior using your melee abilities, which are zero, you would have got your ass handed to you over and over again. How have you managed to get to level 6? Have you been meleeing everything in sight or have you actually been using your spells given to you? If you're meleeing everything, have fun grinding to 60 :p

Seriously, if you're wanting to do melee damage, then you need to pick a class suited to this. Rogues, Warriors and Shamans are your primary choices for melee. Also, warlock is an incredibly complex and in-depth class to play as a first choice. My recommendation would be to play a different character first to start with, otherwise you might get frustrated with the warlock in the earlier levels unless you know how to play one properly and have an understanding of the game and how everything works.
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v1bez said:
Exactly my Shaman always and i mean ALWAYS had a group. They can be a backup healer and melee with windfury on and still have full mana ready for a heal if the main healer is in a bit of difficulty. Also in PVP they are brilliant against casters with their earth shock. Even when they are elemental/resto specced they can use a shield and one hander and stick windfury and shock/melee the enemy to death and can also give a few heals to people that can take targets out quicker.

They are a brilliant class to play and are still wanted in groups wherever you go.

They are and quite flexible. I like the game its just such a timesink. Definately the best game for people with no live s:P
I've been doing all the quests, I did all the quests in the first town and now I am doing the ones in the second town where the level 7 kobold miners are. I killed a lot of wolves and thugs in the vineyard WITH CASTING SPELLS!, but I might start again as a Warrior
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