WOW Cata re-roller guild interest

11 Jun 2009
Ok, probably going to regret this, but after being WOW dry for over a year, my last kill being Kel'thuzad in December 2008, I'm being pulled back in.
Looking at all the Cata news is really getting my interest back, and I would like to start again from scratch.

I've seen a few other guys on the forums whispering about this, and wondered what the chances would be of all rolling the same server/faction and getting together on vent/mumble, having a few too many beers and leveling up as near as possible with each other and hitting 85 as a strong 10man raid team.

Now I'm a thirty-something year old guy and have 2 kids and a wife that used to be one of the most addicted wow players I've met.. but now like an ex-smoker she borders on hating the game.
At the start of TBC I formed and run a pretty successful raiding guild that started raiding at slightly later times in the evening to accommodate getting the kids in to bed and the wife in front of the TV, having a drink and something to eat after work before sitting in front of the PC rather than eating toast in one hand whilst flying to an instance. Looking at doing something similar here (although I'm not in a position with time available to run a full fledged raiding guild like I used to)

So if anyone has any interest in this let me know.

Looks like there is a fair bit of interest already. Looking forward to this
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I'd be interested I guess, I'd love to have found a guild with a similar attitude to the one you're talking about. I too have a youngen so I'd rather not be sat infront of the monitor till' he's asleep.
I've started playing again too, would definitely be interested. At the moment I'm on EU-Saurfang which is the newest realm (introduced Jan 09 or something) :)
oh right, i don't play wow i just remembered the title and thought it might be helpful :)

Can you give me the highlights i can never follow wow threads (too many acronyms/weird names and far too much drama :p)
oh right, i don't play wow i just remembered the title and thought it might be helpful :)

Can you give me the highlights i can never follow wow threads (too many acronyms/weird names and far too much drama :p)

Seems they all hated eachother and disbanded after people paid to transfer lol. Pretty harsh.
I'd be interested, but I'd much prefer to roll on a fresh server, if they release some to coincide with cataclysm

If they do roll out some new servers with the Cata release, I will be tempted very much to look in to it. Rolling on an already established server in an expac is always terrible.
I may consider it, but I'd only do it if horde. I've recently got a tank to 80 on Draenor, but I'd only play a PVE horde server! :p

I've done my time before this as alliance!
Count me in :)

I doubt there'll be new servers, but you never know...

There were a few opened the month before Ulduar with the 3.1.0 patch
Saurfang and Ulduar iirc. Both were straight PVE English speaking.. however, I dont think they have released any servers since to co-incide with the newer content.

Fingers crossed, I think they intend this to be a biggie and to get a lot of people back in. Its going to be a game re-vamp not just another instance bolted on to the side of existing content so maybe they will.

Regulas said:
I'd be interested. Let us know closer to the date what the plans are. Faction, Server, etc.
Dark Angel said:
I may consider it, but I'd only do it if horde. I've recently got a tank to 80 on Draenor, but I'd only play a PVE horde server!

Faction I'm not fussed. Played Horde all my TBC+ time and Alliance in Vanilla. Would most definitely be rolling one of each new race however just to check out the new starting areas. I'm happy to go either way depending on the majority with it.. however, Goblin racials atm look completely sick :D

Does look like the biggest changes have been on the more horde accessable maps, with the barrens/1k needles etc getting a big facelift
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I'd be interested as well if you don't mind a very casual gamer. I'm practically 30 with a wife and a little one, so I know all too well the limited "down time" available :)

I'm currently in a casual guild aptly named 'Oldtimers' on Sylvanas, mostly a guild of members with families and schedule raids/events catered for the casual gamer. We run a couple of ICC raids a week, from around 21:00 till midnight which works really well.
Why is this? : o

Stacks of low level raw materials going for silly money, random blues hit a massive premium as people save them for expacs.

On a fresh server, the AH market is always a little more lenient on the new roller, as nobody has any money.

Also you don't get the same recognition and community on a server. I found re-rolling on an existing server many of the people to be quite clicky and have the GL and Achievement way of thinking, which is a complete crock of **** seeing as a good player in blues could probably outheal most of the idiots in full epics.

All the gear... and no idea....
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