You should read that thread, it really didnt end well lol
Personally, i hope the person got a perma ban.....if shouldnt do that to anyone.......but especially not to fellow OCUKers.
Really tempted to come back for Worgen fun, but it will drain my life again
i hope that person was not an ocuker
i also think that this kind of thing........should really be just for the ocuk people if possible. I know that isnt allways the case.......but this should stay casual fun if its going to work out.
i for one will not let rl get taken over by wow again.
Thats was my original worry. Luckily I've got a wife now that is not scared to start pulling plugs out of walls and un-installing stuff on the PC if she sees me going down that road
I broke up with my ex 10 months ago and been partying since, need to slow down on that and might be moving away from home again so will have free time = no life lol.
What better way to be a no-lifer by going hardcore on WoW
indeed, wallow in self pity with 8 hour a day raids