WOW Cata re-roller guild interest

that would not be the case here....

noobs are welcome.......we all start somewhere.

regardless of your mmo/wow experience, you are welcome as long as you are friendly and a team player.
I'd be up for it! I recently re-rolled on a new account and don't mind starting a new character on a new server for cata :)

Would prefer Horde on a PVE server though but will go with the majority! :)
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Personally, i hope the person got a perma ban.....if shouldnt do that to anyone.......but especially not to fellow OCUKers.

Said thread has been linked here already, the person you refer to still posts reguarly and won't get any such ban because it was outside the forums.

Yes it was wrong, yes he should be banned, it was horrible to have so many pay to transfer, pay to update expansions/subscriptions and then go about the way he did.
Really tempted to come back for Worgen fun, but it will drain my life again :o


Thats was my original worry. Luckily I've got a wife now that is not scared to start pulling plugs out of walls and un-installing stuff on the PC if she sees me going down that road :)
its all about will power, i limit myself now to 3 hours top and evening and make sure i do some kind of exercise every evening too....things must be in moderation.
i hope that person was not an ocuker

i also think that this kind of thing........should really be just for the ocuk people if possible. I know that isnt allways the case.......but this should stay casual fun if its going to work out.

i for one will not let rl get taken over by wow again.

Sadly it was a OCuker. Althought the guy does sound bad in the thread I am sure there was more to it than that. I dont approve the fact that he closed the guild and ran off with all the money though. Especially as he isnt even a kid.

I think the best way to do guild runs is have an officer who is in charge of four members. Making it possible to run an instance on their own. Then they arrange with other officers to run a 10 man group.

Then when they are good enough, promote a member to an officer who has a new group or takes over the group so the experienced officer can take on new people. This way everyone gets to have a run at the 10 man instances rather than just constantly picking your best 10 men all the time.

Thats how i would do it anyway ;)
Thats was my original worry. Luckily I've got a wife now that is not scared to start pulling plugs out of walls and un-installing stuff on the PC if she sees me going down that road :)

I broke up with my ex 10 months ago and been partying since, need to slow down on that and might be moving away from home again so will have free time = no life lol.

to confirm the plan is to start on a fresh new server.......however one might not be available upon release and we may have to roll onto an existing server.
Oh god the little voices are saying "give wow one more try" again havn't played since TBC but the thought of a new server without the spamming of GS etc is a nice idea.
I went across to Moonglade for Voltage's reroll a year or two back. It was fun, but I got to about 50 and then RL beckoned.
Would be nice to start over on a new server and meet some new people again. I'll be joining :)
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