WOW Cata re-roller guild interest

I cannot believe that after 2 years of staying away I have opened the updater :p

What have I done. I will roll a trial on defias. I don't suppose anyone fancies giving me some help to get going so i can get used to any changes. :D
I cannot believe that after 2 years of staying away I have opened the updater :p

What have I done. I will roll a trial on defias. I don't suppose anyone fancies giving me some help to get going so i can get used to any changes. :D

When you get online type

/join ocuk

we can't get you in the guild on trial but the majority of the members are still in this channel and will more than willing to help. Same goes for anyone wanting an invite or those on trial who want some form of contact with us. Join the channel.

If you have no sucess with that I will be online from 1pm Lucky. Whisper Zagoshi.
can't decide on what to play at the moment, really annoying cos i just wanna roll a goblin and start levelling lol, don't know if i should make use of the race change when cata comes and just continue levelling as i am now.
okay.. ive decided.. with soe help from a chap from work, im just gonna continue levelling and then racechange, i did do al lthe goblin starters in the beta so i doubt much has changed. if need be i can always roll another one :D
Which is bloody impressive :p

Majority of us are just around 20-30. But a good spread even in the teens as well.

Neverender are you rolling across or just interested in how its going?

I'm considering it... hard!
I've played my rogue happily and fairly hardcore for the best part of 4 years now but have gone more casual in the last 6 months or so, so the idea of Bans Hammer appeals quite a lot. Coupled with the fact that a lot of my friends on my current realm have moved on and spread apart means Im fairly happy to jump realms, but obviously its a big move for a character with a lot of history (and achivements) on a realm.
Of course I could reroll, but I know me, and I'd get frustrated as soon as Cata lands next week and I'm missing out of the rush to 85!
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I'm considering it... hard!
I've played my rogue happily and fairly hardcore for the best part of 4 years now but have gone more casual in the last 6 months or so, so the idea of Bans Hammer appeals quite a lot. Coupled with the fact that a lot of my friends on my current realm have moved on and spread apart means Im fairly happy to jump realms, but obviously its a big move for a character with a lot of history (and achivements) on a realm.
Of course I could reroll, but I know me, and I'd get frustrated as soon as Cata lands next week and I'm missing out of the rush to 85!

Up to yourself bud, maybe in the period between now and cata re-roll and see how you find the guild and the expereince with us then at a later date consider a realm transfer as this is something I am still warning people to be cautious of considering the guild has only been alive for a few days. Give it more time before paying for transfers to see how things pan out, though if they continue as it has started I would be filled with confidence for our future.
For me, the realm change was a pretty easy decision as the server that I was on never had higher than 'low' in realm status and was mostly scandanavian. I was amazed as soon as I transferred and saw at least 100 people in Org when I logged in, it was a ghost town on Karazhan. The community seems generally much better too with it being RP, I don't regret moving for a second.
For me, the realm change was a pretty easy decision ... it was a ghost town on Karazhan. The community seems generally much better too with it being RP, I don't regret moving for a second.

Ahaha thats where my 80 mage is now. Im transferring across simply because I hate that server so much, its a disaster zone. Might as well get to know my mage again until cata, I really dont want to start levelling a character im abandoning as soon as i can be a goblin!
I didn't really give me name any thought, will Potters be ok on this realm?

Bet you its gone. In all honesty they seem to be pretty lax on naming, I saw someone calles hardasnails or some such nonsense. Dont know if theyd last that long or somenoe would call them on it.
I have been really surprised by the community on this realm.

I've always been a little suspect of rolling on an RP realm because RP just REALLY isnt my kinda thing and i've always sort of poo-poo'd the idea of RP...

But after rolling here, i've hardly seen any real RPing at all, but anytime i've asked for advice or a daft question in public i've had 2-3 whispers from random people offering their assistance.. it actually makes quite a change from my old servers (Shattered Halls, Terenas, Karazhan)
where you ask a simple question and you get a bunch of 'witty' remarks back and just general childish behaviour..

whoever chose this realm.. big thumbs up from me, can't wait to start doing more dungeons with you guys!
ahhh RP servers the one good thing I like is that you dont end up with stupid names like ijustpwndu or ihasepicz
Bet you its gone. In all honesty they seem to be pretty lax on naming, I saw someone calles hardasnails or some such nonsense. Dont know if theyd last that long or somenoe would call them on it.

what would happen, would i lose the character completely - or would they just ask me to re-name him?
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