WoW Frame rate issues.

26 Jan 2005
Hey guys,

For the past few months now, since patch 1.10 has been out, i have absolutely dire FPS, i.e raids etc 2-4 FPS and in normal outdoor and indoor areas i have an absolute maximum FPS of 18.

Now what has my knickers in a twist, is that my computer used to run this game at full settings (Full AA etc) with no hiccups whatsoever, its used to averge 40-60 FPS depending amount of people etc.

My specification is:

3.2Ghz P4 HT
2Gb DDR Ram
256Mb Sapphire X850 XT gfx card.
280gb HD.
audigy 2 sound card.

I just dont get it and blizzard tech support are no help whatsoever... taking a week to reply every time i reply back to the previous email. It's absolutely awful service.

Oh and they blame it on my USB connections (which i dont have plugged in whilst playing) .... oh dear... :rolleyes:

Oh and i forgot to mention i've tried the absolute lowest settings too, same scenario with my 1 FPS gain.

Weird eh? :confused:

Any help'd be great :)
I know this is obvious and you're probably sick of hearing it, but have you tried taking out all your mods? And running it totally stock.

Some mods I used to use, used to never work the same way again after an update (even if they were the updated mods), or would conflict like crazy.
Stupid suggestion here, but have you got the latest graphics drivers installed?

Also might be worth listening to the HDD while you're playing to see if it's reading a lot, which might mean you need to defrag. It happens to me after a few weeks so I end up having to defrag every week.

Just a few (probably useless) suggestions :p
Just re-formatted my pc other day, and yes i check for updates to my computer nearly every day, im obsessive like that. :eek:
I de-frag whenever i install new drivers and software too.

So basically, i dont think its any of those options either, im so stumped! :(
That is really weird :(

I used to degrag after every time I uninstall big programs. After installing every driver may be a bit excessive though? :p

How do other games run? Try running some similar games, or some really graphics intensive games, see if they're running the way they should.
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Doom 3 and FEAR run perfectly fine, thats all i've got lately so not much to compare to.

Perfectly fine = 45-60 FPS for FEAR and a bit more for Doom 3 :)
strangly mine has been struggerling a little. with my old 6800gt at 450 / 1200 i could run it maxxed at 1280 x 1024 witha 2.6ghz amd 64, even in cities.

now ive got my cpu at 2.5ghz but 2gb of ram instead of 1gb and an x1900xtx. that has been playing it maxxed for quite a while fine but then the other day it just started lagging was definatly fps and im not sure why never done it b4.
fdxd said:
possibly mods. The game does run badly considering how it looks. I expect 1000fps not 70fps :p
Depends on the settings. I have everything on full/max at 1152x864 and i get a constant 64FPS with my X1900.

I'd try re-installing the game. That might work (Least there's no pesky save files to find)
The engine has gone totally poop over the last two or maybe three patches. In nax i drop to single digit FPS. tryed uninstalling all mods and degrading graphical options (Shouldn't have to do that running a X1900XT@XT-X ¬_¬) but still the same thing happens. The Game itself is running really bad for me where as all my other games run fluid like F.e.a.r, HL2, Doom 3 etc etc.

Heres to hoping Blizzard to do some reworking (Highly unlikly as it's blizzard we are talking about) or Ati release a patch improving performance.

IF you look at the technical forums on the wow-europe site you can see that many many people with very high end rigs experience really bad FPS in the game too so you and me are not the only one.
Have you tried to change the refresh rate ingame to the highest it will go?

After getting my 2405 widescreen and X850 XT(best card at the time) I found that the FPS dropped to about 3-4 in crowded areas or wide open spaces. I checked the refresh rate in the game and it was showing at 60Mhz. I changed it to 75 Mhz and it runs with all the options ramped up to full and at 1900x1200 without any slowdown what so ever
i get this problem with WoW aswell, but its from time to time.

my fps will be great then for a few days it will suck bad, i cant figure out what it is, just seems like the game has a mind of it own sometimes.

only thing i can suggest is a reinstall possibly, takes AGES but its helped me a few times when i just get fed up of getting 5-10fps for no apperent reason at all.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys,

But i've tried everything above, and formatting my computer on top of that too :(

Think they've ballsed it up big time!
Blokey57 said:
Thanks for all the suggestions guys,

But i've tried everything above, and formatting my computer on top of that too :(

Think they've ballsed it up big time!
I used to get that when I used to play (why am i reading threads on this damn game still!? ;D) and it was definately down to out of date mods for me. Seeing as you've reformatted I have no idea what could be up. Blizz definately need to sort it out :(
Are you running it is windowed mode and are moving the mouse outside the WoW window at the time of ther slowdown? that always lowers the FPS and makes my character move slower aswell
i had a similar problem, low overall fps, dire fps in raids, usually around 1fps in combat, turned out to be a sound issue, changed a few lines in the config file and it runs fine now. might have been maxhardwarechannels= , cant remember now :(
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